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How many times?!
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grannyfranny | Report | 8 Mar 2012 13:55 |
After watching the programme on TV last night about the 2 English queens Matilda and Eleanor of Aquitane, I idly looked up the latter to see how many trees on here she was in (as well as mine). |
Researching: |
Kense | Report | 8 Mar 2012 14:40 |
Because you can't have the same person more than once in a GR tree then you have to put them in separately if you have them in more than one branch. |
grannyfranny | Report | 8 Mar 2012 14:47 |
What do you mean ken when you say you can't have the same person more than once in GR tree? If a person is in more than 1 branch, you can just copy them into the correct space. |
Researching: |
Kense | Report | 8 Mar 2012 20:19 |
What I mean is that if someone is on one branch of your tree and also on another branch then you have to input them as two separate people even though their details will be the same. You then need to put a note saying they are the same person, and if you find more details about them you have to put those details in both instances. |
grannyfranny | Report | 8 Mar 2012 20:31 |
Yes, I see now ken, however it's not a huge chore. |
Researching: |
Carol 430181 | Report | 8 Mar 2012 21:41 |
Hi GF we are related lol |
Researching: |
Kense | Report | 8 Mar 2012 21:44 |
I notice that the member with Eleanor of Aquitaine in his tree also has Arthur Pendragon in it several times. Again he is not too sure about the birth data for these King Arthurs. |
grannyfranny | Report | 8 Mar 2012 22:14 |
I think there's a lot of us, carol! Busy people, them lot! |
Researching: |
Kense | Report | 9 Mar 2012 07:39 |
I am surprised that there only seem to be four trees with genghis/gengis khan in, as he is supposed to be a direct ancestor for a significant percentage of the world's population. :-) |
Kense | Report | 9 Mar 2012 13:48 |
There is a public tree on Ancestry with 360,000 entries that may well be the source of the tree mentioned in the opening post. |
grannyfranny | Report | 9 Mar 2012 19:09 |
So has he got Eleanor of Aquitaine 100 times in this tree, ken? |
Researching: |
Kense | Report | 10 Mar 2012 07:31 |
Yes probably over 200 many with identical information but many with slightly different names and spellings. |