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Trying to find

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Melanie Report 7 Mar 2012 20:14

Hello folks,
I have a bit of a dichotomy that I'd love to solve, if this is possible please?
On my tree, I have Emma Henrietta Wilkinson, wife of Herbert Arthur carpenter married 1917 Norwich. In 1918, Herbert was killed in the War, leaving Emma with a newborn baby. Emma then married Frederick Stocks in 1920 Norwich.
Apparently an Emma Wilkinson (nee Mitchell) went over to Toronto and married an Alfred Kearn Boyce in Toronto in 1925.
My issue is that from what I have found, there are 2 x Emma Wilkinsons on this family; Emma Henrietta Wilkinson or Emma Mitchell Wilkinson. Apparently whichever Emma it was , her brother Fred Wilkinson and possibly others appear to have settled over there....
Could you perhaps help with finding the truth as to who was whom and sort this out once and for all? I would be really grateful.
Thanks for your help,
Melanie :-(


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Mar 2012 20:22

Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1801-1928

Alfred George Kearn Boyce
Birth Place: England
Age: 32
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1893
Father Name: Thomas Edward Boyce
Mother Name: Sophie Caroline Kearn
Spouse Name: Emma Hennetta Wilkinson<<< single
Spouse's Age: 31
Spouse Birth Place: England
Spouse Father Name: Harry George Wilkinson
Spouse Mother Name: Frances Laccohee
Marriage Date: 26 Sep 1925
Marriage County or District: York

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 7 Mar 2012 20:31

For reference... because I was previously searching the wrong surname.

Service No:115520
Date of Death:24/08/1918
Regiment/Service:Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
3rd Div.
Grave ReferenceM. 31.
Additional Information:
Son of Jonathan and Ellen Carpenter, of Norwich; husband of E. Carpenter, of 3, Selfs Yard, St. Benedict's St., Norwich.


Melanie Report 7 Mar 2012 20:34

Hi again,
Just to clarify, there are 2 x Emma Wilkinsons on this tree; one is Emma Henrietta Wilkinsonwho married Herbert carpenter, who died in the war in 1918 and the other Emma Mitchell Wilkinson who possibly went to canada and married a Boyce in Toronto, as you have specified above.
The Emma Wilkinson I have married Frederick Stocks in 1920 Norwich and the other Emma returned to England in c 1951 after marrying said Boyce.
Hope this might help with my quest


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Mar 2012 20:37

Emma Henrietta's father was Harry George Wilkinson.

So who do you believe to be the father's on the Emma's in your post??

Could this be the Emma Henrietta?

Emma Wilkinson
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1895
Date of Arrival: 6 May 1912
Vessel: Ultonia
Search Ship Database: View the 'Ultonia' in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database
Port of Arrival: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Port of Departure: Southampton, England
Roll: T-4744

Other people, probably in her party, were

Harry Wilkinson 48
Francis Wilkinson 46 (f)
Emma ,, 17
John ,, 11
Frederick ,, 4

UK Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878-1960
emma H Boyce
Birth Date: 16 Jul 1894
Age: 61
Port of Departure: Montréal, Québec, Canada
Arrival Date: 26 Jul 1955
Port of Arrival: Liverpool, England
Ports of Voyage: Montreal
Ship Name: Empress of Scotland
Search Ship Database: View the 'Empress of Scotland' in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database
Shipping Line: Canadian Pacific
Official Number: 3057/01

Travelling with Alfred G E Boyce, destination 82 Mcleod Rd, Abbeywood, London SE2


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Mar 2012 20:39

It was Emma >>Henrietta<< Wilkinson ( a single woman, not widowed)
who married Alfred Boyce.
Her father was Harry George Wilkinson.

The image is on Ancestry.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 7 Mar 2012 20:46

Canada Emma's parents ???
Marriages Dec 1885
LACCOHEE Frances Amelia Norwich 4b 295
LACCOHER Frances Amelia Norwich 4b 295

Saccohee Frances Amelia Norwich 4b 295
Wilkinson Harry George Norwich 4b 295


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Mar 2012 20:50

PM from Melanie re the marriage, I think - >Please< reply on the thread!

***Ah - now that might have legs.... Emma Mitchell Wilkinson 1866 married Albert Wilkinson 1864 Norwich - however, at the 1911 census, Albert Wilkinson is living with a Mary Ann Basted b. c1878 Norwich, with children of a former partner (Unknown Basted). So it may be that this is the one that went overseas and came back later on - without said Boyce............ The plot appears to thicken!***


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Mar 2012 20:53

Birth to tie in with date on passenger list

Emma Henrietta Wilkinson
Date of registration: Jul-Aug-Sep 1894
Registration district: Norwich
Inferred County: Norfolk
Volume: 4b
Page: 160

Added - Emma Mitchell in your PM was born 1864.
Emma Henrietta, who married Mr Boyce, was born 1894.

I think you need to look at the parents as given on the Canadian MC and their marriage as given by Gwyn

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 7 Mar 2012 21:00

Marriages Mar 1887

Mitchell Emma Norwich 4b 187
WILKINSON Albert Norwich 4b 187

Name: Emma Wilkinson
Age: 28
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1863
Relation: Wife
Spouse's Name: Albert Wilkinson
Gender: Female
Where born: Norwich

Civil parish: St Lawrence
County/Island: Norfolk
Country: England

Street Address:

Registration district: Norwich
Sub-registration district: West Wymer
ED, institution, or vessel: 4
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 1528
Folio: 51
Page Number: 13
Household Members: Name Age
Albert Wilkinson 27
Emma Wilkinson 28
Wm Mitchell Wilkinson 8
Robert Geo Wilkinson 5
Albert Wilkinson 1
Chas Wilkinson 2
Emma Wilkinson 4/12


Melanie Report 7 Mar 2012 21:11

Hi Gwyn in Kent,
Yes, this Emma is, I think, the one that went to Canada. She appears to have left Albert Wilkinson (although I can't find a divorce as yet between them) and Mary Basted became his partner after that.
Thank you for your help Gwyn

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 7 Mar 2012 21:25

The one who went to Canada was17 when she travelled with her parents Harry and Frances and other family members in 1912, per +++DetEcTive+++ 's earlier post.



+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Mar 2012 22:33

Melanie - it might be best if you printed off the thread, and sorted it out between the 2 Emmas.

Emma HENRIETTA Wilkinson m Alfred George Kearn Boyce in Canada. She was single at the time. The options on the form were Single or Widowed. She said Single.
Her parents were
Frances Amelia Saccohee and Harry George Wilkinson who married in Norwich reg district in 1885.

It is possible that Emma HENRIETTA Wilkinson, age 17 went to Canada in May 1912 along with Harry Wilkinson 48, Francis Wilkinson 46 (f), John 11, Frederick 4.

Emma HENRIETTA Boyce nee Wilkinson, travelled to England with her husband Alfred G Boyce in Jul 1955.


Emma MITCHELL m Alfred WILKINSON in 1887.

Emma Henrietta Wilkinson, is not the same person, nor is she their daughter.


Herbert A Carpenter m Emma Wilkinson
Marriages Jun 1917
Carpenter Herbert A Wilkinson Norwich 4b 243
Wilkinson Emma Carpenter Norwich 4b 243

No middle initial given. Although it's possible that he married either of the 2 Emma's, you need to purchase the MC to get the details.

If he married Emma Wilkinson nee Mitchell, there is a considerable age difference. Emma nee Mitchell b 1863, and Herbert Carpenter bc 1891 ;-)


It is unlikley that Emma Wilkinson nee Mitchell actually divorced Alfred Wilkinson as it was rather expensive, However, you can search for divorces here


You really need the 1917 Carpenter/Wilkinson MC to see who that Emma Wilkinson's father was.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Mar 2012 22:52

(Bangs head against wall)

PM received earlier
Emma Henrietta Carpenter - latterly Wilkinson who married Herbert Carpenter who died in the war and Emma Henrietta then married Frederick Stocks in 1920 and had at least 2 children before Emma Mitchell Wilkinson came back to the UK with then name of Boyce.
As for the family - I'm still not sure about this, but I guess that Ellen carpenter (dtr of Emma and Herbert carpenter) might be a good guess at getting it right?

Melanie - please see above and purchase the Wilkinson/Carpenter MC, and if you can, also the Stock/Carpenter MC. it may well be someone completely different, but then again, it may not be. The names of their father's will help to sort it out

What I am 99% sure of, is that it was NOT Emma Henrietta Wilkinson.