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Old trees and new trees

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Cherilyn Report 1 Mar 2012 01:49

Just a question - I can't find an answer on the boards!

In the new tree, I can't see couples marriages, nor any of the notes I have input, like I can in the old tree.

Are they still there, hidden somewhere?


Rimbaud Report 1 Mar 2012 04:16

There are all sorts of things wrong with the new tree. You send in a comment, they fix it, a week later it's wrong again....
They just don't seem to be able to get it right!!
So New Tree <3? I don't think so.
Rimbaud :-(


Persephone Report 1 Mar 2012 05:20


When you go to a person say Fred Bloggs born 1886 died 1940 ... click on the arrow on the right where it says details and in that huge box that appears is Mary Flintstone who he married and the date of marriage and there is a space for notes... mine are all there..

I put a new marriage on and thought it hadn't worked but it had.. when I looked at the other person it was there and then went back to the partner again and all was okay.

I think it has been well thought out by an IT person but it takes awhile for a lay person to come to terms with it... I like the visuals and once I found where everything was it was good.

PM me if you have any further problems and we can try and do it together..

Cheers my friend



Cherilyn Report 1 Mar 2012 08:19

Thanks Rimbaud, yes the new tree LOOKS good but not so sure about the practicalities!

And thank you Persie, this makes sense (not that I've tried it yet!). I knew it had to be there SOMEWHERE! I was about to export a GEDCOM from the site and wanted to make sure it was all there.
