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Pre-printed Family Tree

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Nannylicious Report 29 Feb 2012 22:02

I would like to buy my new granddaughter one of those pre-printed family trees that I could then fill in with all the family details. Most of the ones I have seen (such as the one in her baby book for instance) only go back as far as the g.grandparents.

Could someone please advise me the best way to compile for her a list of ancestors? I thought about printing my family tree from the computer but this would entail several sheets of A4 paper that I would then have to stick together and I wanted to be able to give her the information on one large page.

I realise I couldn't get everyone on the tree from both sides of the family but I would at least like to provide her with a list of ancestors on her mother's (my daughter) side of the family.

Does anyone know where I could buy such a thing?


KathleenBell Report 29 Feb 2012 22:25


They do several different printed trees. They can also print your tree for you on one large sheet of paper - even if your tree is very big.

Kath. x


GlitterBaby Report 29 Feb 2012 22:44

There are quite a few sites where you can download free charts - just google

But as already said by Kathleen if you want it printed then Ron at genealogyprinters does a marvellous job.

You can get a free quote from him with no obligation to buy. He will discuss how much info you want included and what you want it to look like such as colours and backgrounds.

Have you got your tree on a programme that could be sent as a gedcom ?


Nannylicious Report 2 Mar 2012 18:44

thank you both for your replies. I did look online at some trees with a view to downloading but I would still have the problem of only being able to print off onto A4 paper.

I have 2 versions of my tree: the one on Genes Reunited and another that I put together myself as a Microsoft Word document. The MWord one is spread over several A4 sheets in landscape format.

I'll get in touch with Ron as you suggest but could you explain what gedcom is (in simple terms please!). I know I've read about this on another GR thread but it seemed a little bit technical and so I didn't go any further.


DazedConfused Report 2 Mar 2012 19:59

Nanny do not worry give Ron a call and he will talk you through what you need to do and what you want on your tree.

Go to their website, the number is on there.

A couple of years ago I had 2 identical trees printed, I called Ron and he talked me through the type of tree I wanted and who I wanted on there. I only wanted a certain branch of my family on there for my dads cousins. Very reasonable and one arrived from me at my cousins on his birthday he was thrilled.

Ron is a great bloke and you can have a good chat and laugh with him :-)