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Leaving the Priesthood, Australia

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MEgirl Report 27 Feb 2012 09:25

I have a gg.uncle ordained a Roman Catholic priest in the 1850's in Sydney. Have been searching for a death notice and certificate without any luck until today. He performed the marriage ceremony for his brother and his spouse in 1861.

Today I found his death, a marriage in 1867, four children and his death and burial in another state.

My question - does anyone know what process he went through to leave the clergy, how hard it would be or did he perhaps just walk away and move to another part of the country. It is definitely him from parents listed on death cert.

Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.


brummiejan Report 27 Feb 2012 09:28

I wonder if you would be best advised to make inquiries at your local Catholic church? The minister might be able to point you in the right direction at least.
Also, have you tried google searching your query?


MEgirl Report 27 Feb 2012 09:36

Just googled his name Jan, but will give those suggestions a try. He worked a lot with the Archbishop of the time, so he was in a very trusted position and had a lot to do with St. Mary's Cathedral and the school. Thanks very much.