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Millington 1693 Manchester

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Bernard Report 25 Feb 2012 21:49

I've managed to find the marriage of Richard Millington and Mary Burgess via Boyd's Marriage index for 1693. Information from the LDS Church has the date as 4th Sept 1693 in Manchester. Any suggestions where that marriage could have taken place - don't know if Manchester Cathedral was open for marriages at that time


Lynski Report 25 Feb 2012 22:13

Have you tried googling "Manchester Cathedral"?

I found this -

Because of the extensive refurbishment carried out both inside and outside the church during the nineteenth century, many people can be forgiven for thinking that, from appearances at least, Manchester Cathedral is a relatively modern church.

In fact evidence of an early Saxon church in Manchester comes from the Angel Stone (right), which was discovered embedded in the wall of the original South Porch of the Cathedral in the 19th century, and which has been dated to around 700.

It was around the year 1075 that King William the Conqueror gave all the land between the River Ribble and the River Mersey to Roger de Poitou, son of the Earl of Shrewsbury.

He in turn gave the Manor of Manchester to the Greslet or Gresley family.

In 1086 Manchester was recorded in William the Conqueror’s Domesday Book, which mentioned that the place had a Parish Church and it is believed that this church was located at the corner of St Mary’s Gate and Exchange Street.

However, this site was deserted when in 1215 Robert Greslet, Lord of the Manor and 5th Baron of Manchester decided to build the current church adjacent to his manor house (now Chetham’s Library). This became the Parish Church of Manchester.


Lynski Report 25 Feb 2012 22:18

Some of the churches on this list might date back to before your date - this one does

St Maxentius' Church, Bradshaw


Bernard Report 25 Feb 2012 23:09

Thanks for the quick reply. I've also found an e-mail address to make enquiries direct with the Cathedral for an archives enquiry so am going to give that a go as well.

Thanks again - my first post and a speedy reply. What more could I ask for


lancashireAnn Report 25 Feb 2012 23:46

all those records on the old LDS site are submitted ones. I could not find them on the new familysearch site which I think suggests they were not entirely accurate


SylviaInCanada Report 26 Feb 2012 04:00

it certainly suggests that they were not taken from the actual Parish Register!


SylviaInCanada Report 26 Feb 2012 04:10

I wonder if this record has anything to do with your Richard

it's from ancestry

UK, Extracted Probate Records about Millington, Richard

Text: Millington, Richard, of Manchester, gentleman 1747
Book: Births Anno 1657. (Birth)
Collection: Cheshire: - Wills and Inventories, 1741-1760



Bernard Report 26 Feb 2012 14:51

Thank you for all your comments. It has certainly given me some more areas to look into.



Bernard Report 26 Feb 2012 15:06

Thanks you again for all your comments. I checked as suggested and came up with this for the marriage:
Text: 08 Sep 1693 Richard Millington, Parish of Bowden, and Mary Burges, of same. Bondsman, Richard Walker. Book: Marriage Licences Granted within the Dincese of Chester. (Marriage) Collection: Cheshire: - Marriage Licences Granted Within The Archdeaconry of Cheshire, 1691-1700
Can someone explain what the purpose of the Bondsman is?


lancashireAnn Report 26 Feb 2012 15:19

there are several descriptions - just google 'marriage bondsman'


Bernard Report 26 Feb 2012 15:47

Thanks again, just had a look.


lostmeboardname Report 26 Feb 2012 21:15

Manchester and Lancashire family history society.