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Correct parentage

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Grocott Report 14 Apr 2012 02:50

thank you Florence for answering i know now working .

detective thank you
i will try this.
Ps have i butted in on thread if so my apologies still learning thought this is the place for my question
Chris :-)


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 13 Apr 2012 12:11

Are you back yet? ;-)

You could try adding the biological mother as a spouse to the adoptive father, then the adoptive mother as a spouse to him. I think you can 'move' the offspring along.

Althernatively, you may prefer to add the child as say Jane Smith 2 to the adoptive parents.

Its easier if you have an offline tree as they normally support adoptions, linking the child to both the biological parent, and the adoptive ones.

if you do go for that option and then upload to GR, beware that it will over-write all existing entries on GR including records/notes/photos.


Florence Report 13 Apr 2012 11:49

Hello Chris welcome!

I too are having trouble on General chat today ?

I have never been in that situation with my tree , but i will watch this thread and hope someone will answer your question ( if you do not mind that is)! or Kay?( sorry for butting in)

At least i will know what to do if i do.

Flo :-) mind you thats if people hurry up that is and answer , because i cannot get into my threads also to keep track :-S


Grocott Report 13 Apr 2012 03:04

hello fellow helpers
i tried using general chat no worky!!
my question is how do i attach my adopted mother to tree
do i use the adopted parents then attach adopted daughter to them how do i attach her biological mother, father unknown


Kay Report 16 Mar 2012 00:26

Hi Fellow Researchers,
Thank you for your input. It seems all had the same opinion so that's great.
As his "father" was Scottish it's a very interesting line to research.


ChristinaS Report 23 Feb 2012 14:48

It might be worth trying to find any bastardy records for the time that the son was born, just in case someone else was named as the father.

These records are few and far between though.


SylviaInCanada Report 23 Feb 2012 06:59

He is officially the boy's stepfather, from the moment he married the mother, and as such would quite legitimately be considered as his "father' in the sense that the boy knew no other.

so, yes follow him ............. but note him as being Stepfather.

You could add a note elsewhere that he could be the biological father but you have no proof.



Ozibird Report 23 Feb 2012 06:30

I agree.

If by documents you mean marriage cert then obviously he thinks of him as his father. Whether he's biological or not ..., well how are we to be sure of any of our ancestors?



Lynski Report 23 Feb 2012 03:39

Good question.

If it was me, I would research that line because he did marry the mother.

I would just make a note of the fact that he might not be the father of the son and go on from there.

After all this time, with no written proof, you will probably never find out who the real father is if that is the case.

I bet there are a lot more ancestors in our trees that fit that scenario too and we just don't know about them.


Kay Report 23 Feb 2012 02:54

Hi all,
Am interested in the opinion of other researchers about my problem. Have an ancestor where there is a question mark over his father. His mother married his " father" a couple of years after his birth, one reason being her age, as she was very young. It's not impossible but unlikely, could have been a marriage of convenience.
The question is, do I research his " fathers" line, as that is the name on all the documents, except the birth cert., of course.
Regards Kaylee