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Researching marriages & births in Caribbean

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Redwroc Report 22 Feb 2012 15:57

In pursuing my family tree thorough my paternal grandmother I have discovered in 1851 census a relative who was born in Gloucestershire and at the time on the Census was living with his wife and 2 children all of whom were recorded as being born on St Kitts in the early 1800's.

Has anyone done any research into marriages and births in the caribbean and how was this conducted. Are there any known records in the UK that would help with this research.




Slartibartfast Report 22 Feb 2012 16:15

This may help;


Redwroc Report 24 Feb 2012 17:14

I've already discovered his site but unfortunately it provides no access to genealogy records and from the information provided I suspect that the archives on St Kitts and Nevis would be unable to provide the information I require.

The marriage and births I need are likely to realte to the period from 1800 - 1850. According to the information given:

Civil registration did not start on St Kitts until 1855;

Many archive records were lost on St Kitts following a fire at the Court House in 1980;

There are no surviving Catholic marriage records prior to 1856.

From information provided from another source it may be possible that some marriage and birth records for the appropriate period may survive in the form of parish records held by individual churches.


Eringobragh1916 Report 24 Feb 2012 18:43


Do you want to post some backround to this family....?
A name would suffice


Cynthia Report 25 Feb 2012 13:13

John, have you tried the Caribbean Family History Group site?



Redwroc Report 25 Feb 2012 16:12

Cynthia - thanks for pointing out about the Caribbean Family History Group site. I've not found this before so will be looking into this.

The family I am researching are the ancestors of Lily Adelaide Cox (my paternal grandmother).

I have worked back to the 1851 England Census for Portsea where I found:
William COX aged 35 born Avering, Gloucestershire (Police Officer, Rail)
Matilda COX wife aged 37 born West Indies - St Kitts
Mary COX daughter aged 3 born West Indies - St Kitts
William COX son aged 9 born West Indies - St Kitts

William COX senior presumably died sometime before 1866 as his wife Matilda COX remarried in that year to Thomas Chandler. In the 1871 she was living in Southwark with Thomas and grandson (Arthur COX aged 4).

William COX junior was my grandmothers grandfather. In the 1881 census he was aged 39 and living in Islington with his family which included his son Arthur William John Franklin COX aged 14 (my grandmothers father).