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margaret montgomery hamilton

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Elizabeth Houston

Elizabeth Houston Report 15 Feb 2012 17:58

Hi, can anybody help me find any information on M.M. H. what i know, born around 1813-14, the 1871 census says New Monklands, Lanark, Scotland.She married a William Houston,13/6/1834,Kilmarnock, Scotland.they had 11 children, Janet 1835,William,1837, William 1838 Margaret 1840, they were born Abey, district of Paisley,Stewart 1842, my great great, grandfather, born in Johnstone married Eliza Clark, Elizabeth,1844, Ann. 1847, Mary, 1849, John Hamilton Montgomery. 1852, John Hamilton Montgomery, 1852, John?.Stewart and Eliza had 9 children William 1864, James 1866, my great grandfather, married a Robina Blair Hamilton, Ann, 1869, John Hamilton Montgomery,1872, Mary 1874, Stewart, 1877, George,1879, Maggie, 1882, Robert, 1887,James and Robina had 10 children, James Hamilton Houston 1892, my grandfather married a Annie Mc Auley they had 3 children James Clark Houston, Robina Hamilton Houston 1821, my mother born in Johnstone, Scotland.who married a James Mc Farlane, I hope somebody can help. Liz Ryan.


MaureeninNY Report 15 Feb 2012 18:48

Sorry,but that's a lot to take in with no breaks!

Have you tried to see if you can find her death cert on Scotlands People? If known,I think her parents names should be on it.

Maureen :-)


lostmeboardname Report 15 Feb 2012 20:30

can you edit your thread please.
make a new paragraph with the children and then try and split the other up somehow,
it is a bit confusing and would be easier for us to help you.

Jan x


alviegal Report 15 Feb 2012 21:58

1841 Scotland Census about William Houston
Name: William Houston
Age: 28
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1813
Gender: Male
Where born: Renfrewshire, Scotland

Civil parish: Paisley Low
County: Renfrewshire
Address: Cartside
Occupation: Cl Cotton Factory
Parish Number: 559
Household Members:
Name Age
William Houston 28
Margaret Houston 27
Janet Houston 6
William Houston 3
Margt Houston 1


Cynthia Report 16 Feb 2012 12:50

Hello Elizabeth and welcome to the community boards.

It may be worthwhile putting Margaret's name into the Search Trees box above, as several people on this site have her in their tree. You can contact the tree owners for further information.

Regards. Cx.

Elizabeth Houston

Elizabeth Houston Report 17 Feb 2012 17:04

thank-you for all your replies and advise, ithe margaret montgomery ,1748 and john hamilton 1748 on my tree, i found their marriage cert, i dont know if they are related to m, m,h, i put them on my tree, to see if i could match them down the line with m.m.h. and find her parents,so far nothing we females are giving the mothers or grangmothers maiden name as our middle name, liz ryan.


Potty Report 18 Feb 2012 14:56

As Maureen said, her death cert will have her parents' names. There are only two deaths on scotlandspeople for a Margaret Houston other surname Hamilton between 1871 and 1900.


Potty Report 22 Feb 2012 11:35

PM from Liz:

thank-you for this help, i have looked at both of them and i am waiting for scotlands people to come back to me, i have tried nearly 60 couples and trees to see if any match with no luck, she might be one of these people who were never registered, at birth. liz ryan.

Liz, you say you have looked at both the deaths on scotlandspeople. Can you not tell if one of them is your Margaret? The correct one should give her as the wife/widow of William.

What are you waiting for scotlandspeople to come back with?

Also, her birth would not have been registered as civil registration didn't start until 1855. You might find a baptism which might also give her DOB.

Can you post the details of the two deaths you found?


Potty Report 22 Feb 2012 11:55

Different POB given in 1861 but there does not seem to a place called Camneathy in Lanarkshire:

1861 Scotland Census
about Margaret Houstown
Name: Margaret Houstown
Age: 47
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1814
Relationship: Wife
Spouse's name : William Houstown
Gender: Female
Where born: Camneathy, Lanarkshire
Registration number: 559/3
Registration district: Johnstone
Civil parish: Paisley Abbey
Town: District of Johnstone
County: Renfrewshire
Address: Mcdowall St (houstowns Lands)
ED: 7
Household schedule number: 61
Line: 6
Roll: CSSCT1861_74
Household Members: Name Age
William Houstown 48
Margaret Houstown 47
Stewart Houstown 18
Ann Houstown 13
Mary Houstown 12
John Houstown 5


Potty Report 25 Feb 2012 11:39

PM from Lyn:

hi, potty, the death cert, seems to match m. m. h, except birth date, the age on it would make her birh 1818, not 1813, married a william houston, died in a lunatic asylum, partick glasgow. parents john hamilton and jessie montgomery, this would fit with her middle name as we usually are giving mothers maiden as our middle name,.lived in mc donald street, johnstone.i am going to london on sunday to olyimpia,so i will see if i can get any more information. thank-you for your help, will keep you informed, liz ryan.

Elizabeth Houston

Elizabeth Houston Report 28 Feb 2012 16:39

Margaret Montgomery Hamilton, 1813 the information Potty gave me on the death cert., is M.M.H. parents John Hamilton and Jessie Montgomery, I went to London on Sunday to W.D.Y.T.Y.A.nobody could find her birth record so we think it was never registered Thank-you for all your help. Liz Ryan.


rootgatherer Report 28 Feb 2012 19:55

Elizabeth, births were not "registered" in Scotland prior to statutory registration began in 1855.

If Margaret was christened then that may appear in the OPRs (available on Scotlandspeople). The OPRs are mainly Church of Scotland records. If her parents belonged to a different church you may have to search for their records.