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William Eastaugh - b:1798, d:1866

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Valerie Report 14 Feb 2012 21:10

I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with the information that I have.
The Parish Records gives all the basic information and the newpaper articles gives me the cause of death (and a lot more besides), so I'm pretty lucky to have gathered so much details anyway.
Thanks for all your help folks.


Joy Report 14 Feb 2012 19:12

Unfortunately sometimes a death is not registered; this happened - or rather, did not happen - in the case of a great-grandfather of mine. I have his burial record from the parish register but the death was not registered, this having been checked by the local registrar.


Valerie Report 14 Feb 2012 17:01

Yes, Joy, that is William's wife.


Valerie Report 14 Feb 2012 16:57

Thanks for your input Choccy. William definitely died in Wangford (the Angel Inn to be precise, where he fell through a trap-door in the hay loft and died!!) and the details you give from the Parish Records are the same as I have.

Yes, Joy Kentish Maid, it is all a tad confusing. William was born at Darsham and it's somewhat conforting (if that's the right word) to know that other members have him but without a death date, too.


Joy Report 14 Feb 2012 16:37

Is his wife Mary who died in 1858? -


Joy Report 14 Feb 2012 16:22

Interestingly, there are some trees in ancestry that look as if they have him, if born Darsham, and his siblings and parents, but no death date :-S


Choccy Report 14 Feb 2012 16:21

the only one I can see is this one -

Deaths Mar 1865 (>99%)

EASTAUGH William Yarmouth 4b 10

he was buried on the 16th August 1866, but he could have died earlier out of area ?

Parish Records Collection 1538-2005 - Burial

First name(s): William

Last name: EASTAUGH

Date of burial: 16 Aug 1866

Age at death: 68

Calculated year of birth: 1798

Place of burial: Wangford [nr Southwold]

Dedication: St Peter

County: Suffolk



Wangford [nr Southwold] St Peter:

Denomination: Anglican

Coverage: 1813 - 1900

Number of entries: 1,112

Record source: National Burial Index

Data provider: Suffolk Family History Society


Valerie Report 14 Feb 2012 16:18

I suppose he could have been a William George, but none of my paperwork actually shows the 'George' bit.
I agree everything seems to fit apart from the quarter of registration. Dying in August should show him registered in the Jul-Aug-Sept quarter.
If I don't get anything else, it may be worth sending for the above certificate, simply to rule it out, if nothing else. I'll hold off for a while though.
Thanks for your efforts; much appreciated.


Valerie Report 14 Feb 2012 15:11

I know William Eastaugh died on 11th August 1866, age 68, in Wangford, Suffolk, as I have a newspaper article relating to the inquest into his death. I also have his burial details from the Parish Records Collection. I would love to get a copy of his death certificate, but so far I have been unable to find an entry for his death in the records.
I've tried different spellings of his name, tried wild cards, tried without using a christian name, searched over a couple of years etc. etc., all without success.
Can anyone suggest what else I can try?
Many thanks,