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1871 Census - Sussex

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cric Report 14 Feb 2012 13:12

Genereunited seems to be missing a chunk of the 1821 census, particularly around Sussex and Kent. For example a search for Edgar Barham (born 1820), or Richard Coleman (born 1825) turn up no results. However, they are found on

Why is this, and is there other missing info??


Jonesey Report 14 Feb 2012 13:31

As you say the individuals appear on the 1871 census on Ancestry. Interestingly not only do they not appear on the same 1871 census records at GR but they also don't appear on the same 1871 census records at Findmypast.

I assume that as Findmypast is part of the same company group as GR that it may be FMP's census records are the ones that GR use. It may be a simple case of mis-transcription of the records at FMP.


Alan Report 14 Feb 2012 13:32

Did you mean the 1841 Census ?
There is a Family Tree featuring Edgar on it yours?


cric Report 14 Feb 2012 13:33

1871 is what I mean - and I do have a tree on Ancestry


MaureeninNY Report 14 Feb 2012 13:34

It doesn't seem to be a case of transcription error in the case of Edgar Barham (on FMPast). I tried with the census reference search and came up with zilch there as well.


(nothing new-just wanted to remind myself "case of" as in not to do that)


Jonesey Report 14 Feb 2012 13:34

Name: Edgar Barham
Age: 51
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1820
Relation: Head
Spouse's Name: Sarah Barham
Gender: Male
Where born: Battle, Sussex, England
Civil parish: Playden
County/Island: Sussex
Country: England
Registration district: Rye
Sub-registration district: Rye
ED, institution, or vessel: 9
Household schedule number: 13
Piece: 1024
Folio: 24
Page Number: 3
Household Members:
Name Age
Edgar Barham 51
Sarah Barham 51
Harriett Barham 15
Jane Barham 13
Ann Barham 10
Ruben Barham 8
James Barham 5


cric Report 15 Feb 2012 09:13

OK. Here's another example. Try finding John Gibbs in 1871(born 1834 in Hastings). You won't find it on Genes, but Ancestry correctly finds him with his son on board vessel Sarah Frances.

There must be more missing data so can someone at Genesreunited please investigate this.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 15 Feb 2012 11:13

You need to contact GR directly Christopher - use the 'contact us' option from the drop down list under 'Help' at the top of this page ;-)

It could be that the records have been transcribed differently on GR to other sites. Try thinking of how the writting could have been interpreted. For instance, the letter 'a' could be seen as 'u' or 'e', and the 'h' as a 'd'.

The golden rule for transcribing is type what you see...with some very imaginative results!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 15 Feb 2012 11:17

Does GR accept the wild card option?

For the Gibbs record, try