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What did you do with all the Notes you made?

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Alan Report 12 Feb 2012 13:15

I've just thrown 6 untidy memo pads away full of comments and references which upon reading again only confused me.
If I want detail, I'll search again.


grannyfranny Report 12 Feb 2012 13:31

I've got all the notebooks I used in the searchrooms all those years ago. And sometimes I look at them, for odd notes, They were from the original records.
I do have other books I jot on now, but I try not to use scraps of paper.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 12 Feb 2012 17:01

I have kept the notebooks which I used in Record Offices and they are useful for checking details and lists of where I searched ( even with a nil result)
O.H used identical books and his are useless. Can't even tell which family he is looking at, all these years on.
eg. John and Mary had William, James and dates, places or when or where he recorded this so it's very much a guessing game.

Spiral notebooks tended to be used for scribing oral information, eg. at family gatherings or over the phone and they are a bit muddled, I must admit, but with a bit of thought I can usually decipher them.
So to answer your question, ... I've kept them.
