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Trying to find "MY THREADS"

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Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 11 Feb 2012 16:23

I get PM,s acknowledging info i may have posted but although It may ring a bell I need to refer My threads to try and find where and what I have posted. Am getting error and its been reported !! very frustrating when someone is waiting for me to reply and I need to refer back.
Says Genes have been informed of the problem but it doesn't seem to have been resolved .

Anyone else having the same problem ?


Kense Report 11 Feb 2012 16:40

There has been plenty of discussion about it on the Suggestioins board eg:

Basically if you have a lot of threads (typically if you have 20,000 posts) then My Threads is likely to fail.


MargaretM Report 11 Feb 2012 16:44

I have resigned myself to not being able to access "My Threads" the first time I try. I always get the error message. I go back and try again and usually have success on the second attempt.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 11 Feb 2012 17:11

It seems to happen every time I try to trace a thread I have replied too. Sometimes too even on advanced threads putting in the thread or name title i get nothing found.

Annoying when i am trying to help research

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 11 Feb 2012 17:13

so as I have some 22000plus posts then my threads aint working ??

They need to sort it cos it did work!! :-(


MargaretM Report 11 Feb 2012 17:27

When I asked for help from the so-called Support Team they gave the impression that I was the only one who had this problem even though I knew that others had complained about it.

They tried to tell me that it was the fault of my computer and I had to clear my cache and re-sort my cookies. I know it's not my computer, I have no problem with other sites.

I also enquired about the Error message. It states that the error has been logged and will be investigated. I asked, if it has been logged would they tell me how many times I have received the error message in th last 2 weeks. They ignored that question. I simply don't believe that these error messages are logged or investigated and I don't like being lied to.


Joy Report 11 Feb 2012 18:00


No one in genes reunited staff, as far as I am aware, has been able to explain this error nor has stated that this issue can be resolved.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 11 Feb 2012 18:07

OH POO!! they need to sort it out cos I can.t !! :-| :-|

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 11 Feb 2012 20:25

Thanks . i have added my twopennuth to the thread on Suggestions board