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Emigration details

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Sarah Report 10 Feb 2012 20:10

yes that's her birth
I'v been told that she had a few siblings but don't know names at the mo, does it say Katie's birth year aswell then I can see if i can find her birth, Not sure if that is my Mary on the ship though as she had her eldest daughter on the 10th july 1899 in Fermoy
thank you


Gee Report 10 Feb 2012 18:18

New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
about Mary Riordan
Name: Mary Riordan
Arrival Date: 13 May 1899
Birth Year: abt 1881
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Ethnicity/RaceĀ­/Nationality: Irish
Port of Departure: Queenstown, Ireland
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Campania

There is also a Katie Riordan on the same ship. Do you know her siblings, if she had any at all?


Gee Report 10 Feb 2012 18:13

Just to confirm, is this her birth?

Ireland, Civil Registration Births Index, 1864-1958
Name: Mary Riordan
Date of Registration: Apr-May-Jun 1881
Registration district: Fermoy
Birth Country: Ireland
Volume: 4
Page: 669
FHL Film Number: 101058


Sarah Report 10 Feb 2012 16:19

Thank you sylvia I will check that website out

Thank you, i doubt by the sounds of it that anything will be able to be found
The father's name is John Riordan, he was a labaurer and mother's name Anne Dennaehy (hard to read her maiden name on certificate), they lived in Fermoy and mary (1-5-1881) also got married there (21-8-1898) no Riordan's were witnesses, i can't find the family in 1901 in ireland, Mary is in colchester. I don't have any names of other children but everyone has always talked about the aunts and uncles that emigrated, my plan was to see if any names popped up and to then try and verify them :-

I have just tried contacting a parish in Fermoy so hopefully if I hear back from them I may have something else to go on|


Gee Report 10 Feb 2012 08:43

If you post the full details of Marys birth (everything that is on her birth cert) then we may be able to help you

Also, if you have any other information on the family, including BMDs and dates, that would help too



SylviaInCanada Report 10 Feb 2012 06:19

ships passenger lists do not show the names of anyone not travelling on the ship.

If the immigrant went through Ellis Island off the island of Manhattan, then you MAY find more information .......... they were asked for next of kin in the "old" country, and for the name of a person they were going to in America.

The Ellis Island timeline is Jan 1 1892 to ca 1924

Ellis island website ..... you have to register but it is free



Sarah Report 9 Feb 2012 15:51

thank you unfortunately I have very little info to go on at the moment, wondered if this was a line that could help me,
I have a Irish family from Fermoy, (not found marriage yet) father John Riordan and Mother Anne Dennehy (it's hard to read her name on her daughter Mary's birth certificate) Mary's daughter (my great nan, now deceased) told me that some of Mary's siblings emigrated to America with a son becoming a priest unfortunately I'm struggling to find anything so had wondered if parents info was on it maybe it would have me find them
thank you for the help


Andrew Report 9 Feb 2012 15:14

It varies. Sometimes its only a name, other times more info is shown.

If you want a lookup done, post the info you already have.



Sarah Report 9 Feb 2012 14:58

I was just wondering what detail were on emigration records to america

Do they state parents names on it, places of birth etc

thank you