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Nil returns on census

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Pauline Report 8 Feb 2012 21:15

I hope I have chosen the correct board for this query.

Can anyone tell me why I should get a 'Nil' result on the census, say for 1851, when I search on the Genes Reunited site. I know the people concerned were where I said they were, and on Ancestry the results come up for me. Is it that Genes R have incomplete census data? Or perhaps I am doing something wrong. I started out just to re-confirm data that I have held for a lot of years, and which was, for this family, researched at Essex Records Office, so I am not in doubt about the veracity of my information in this respect - I am just curious why I don't get a result on Genes Reunited.

Thank you
Pauline Denmark nee Clarke



Christine Report 8 Feb 2012 21:34

no this also happened to me today i found rels i was looking and tried to find them on genes as i like to print out their occupation where as on ancestry you have to view the census page but couldnt find them on genes


mgnv Report 8 Feb 2012 23:08

My guess is that they're transcribed differently

Here's an Ancestry search

Exact Search Results - 1901 England Census
Name Parent or spouse names Birth Year Birthplace Relation Residence View Image
Harriett M Parvis abt 1869 city, Northumberland, England relation city, Durham

Now a look up on GR gets no hits in 1901.

Fortunately, when I had an Ancestry sub, I noted more details, including the census reference:
Source Citation: Class: RG13; Piece: 4759; Folio: 49; Page: 36.

Now I can go to (whose transcriptions GR uses), then click on Search - Census etc., then Search by person's name in 1901, then do a census ref search (in bottom left of search box) and enter the page ref. I get:

Piece Folio Page Registration District
RG13/4759 49 36 PURVIS, Harriett M Gateshead
RG13/4759 49 36 PURVIS, Elsie Gateshead

So now I can look up Harriett Purvis in GR

Surname Forename Born in Place of birth Location in 1901
Purvis Harriett M 1869 Northumberland Walker Gateshead

In this case, the image does say Purvis (as I know it ought to), and GR has the correct name, and Ancestry doesn't.
In your case, I guess it's the other way round.


Pauline Report 26 Feb 2012 12:09

Many thanks. It gives me an alternative way to check on information I hold, for which I am grateful. Pauline


Braken Report 26 Feb 2012 20:58

I have found info on other sites that I can't find on genes weierd ;-)