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adoption. re my mum
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Susan Mary | Report | 2 Feb 2012 18:53 |
Hi can any one help me. my mum Doreen Howard Byatt was born in 1933. my grandparents albert and Henrietta Byatt adopted her formly in aug 1941. My grandparents had her from a baby. not sure how old. 3mths poss. Think she was born in Redbridge Ilford. Not sure of her birth name. Have tried all that I can think of. If any one has any idea's where I go next would love to hear from you. |
Astra | Report | 2 Feb 2012 19:25 |
If your grand parents had her from a baby but didn't officially adopt her until she was 8 years old the chances are that she belonged to a member of their family. An unmarried sister perhaps or did they have older children and she belonged to a daughter. |
Researching: |
patchem | Report | 2 Feb 2012 19:28 |
Is this your grandparents' marriage? |
Kay???? | Report | 2 Feb 2012 19:38 |
Only your mother can apply for adoption details,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,as formal adoption didnt take place till 1941 I would imagine she wasnt placed with them from a baby as formally they could have adopted her from 1933 as a infant,Doreen could have been her birth name as legally they couldnt change it till then she was 8 year old.. |