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Stonham Bridge Wiltshire

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Yvonne Report 1 Feb 2012 10:39

Hi, if you are still looking for infomation I may be able to help! I live about 6 miles from Wilcot and would be happy to try and find some infomation out for you. I do know however that the road from Stone Bridge was sometimes called Stowell street! According to local history the village remained considerable until it was deserted in the early 19th century. The land to the east of the street was taken into the park when Stowell Lodge was built in 1813, and, although all the cottages did not come within the park, they were all deserted by 1839 at the latest.

Let me know if I can hlep as I know only to well how difficult researching at a distance can be.

Regards Yvonne

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 1 Feb 2012 08:14

Some info here.....

'A third settlement in the tithing of Wilcot and Stowell was the hamlet of Stone Bridge at a crossing of Ford brook. A settlement certainly existed there by the 1730s. (fn. 39) A group of cottages, perhaps including the old smithy, stood there throughout the 18th century. (fn. 40) The canal was built close by it in the early 19th century and the hamlet was deserted at that time. Nothing remained of it in 1970 when its site was overgrown.'

From: 'Parishes: Wilcot', A History of the County of Wiltshire: Volume 10 (1975), pp. 190-204.

Found by Google search.... "stone bridge" wilcot genealogy



Brian Report 31 Jan 2012 20:12

Hi Kath
I found it in the Wilcot and Huish Parish transcriptions. So it could be wrong. There was a place called Stone Bridge near Wilcot.


KathleenBell Report 31 Jan 2012 20:07

Where have you found reference to this place? Could it just be a mis-transcription?

Kath. x


Brian Report 31 Jan 2012 19:50

Has anyone heard of this place? I have found Stone Bridge near Wilcot but can't seem to find anything else.