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Centenarian and telegrams from the Queen

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Cynthia Report 31 Jan 2012 13:15

Danny, have a look at the official website.....there is a contact box.

They may be able to advise you as to where the records are kept.



Chrissie2394 Report 31 Jan 2012 10:37

When my nan reached 100 in 2010 I didn't have to apply for her card from the queen. Now it's arranged by the Dept for Work and Pensions. I was visited and had to provide a copy of her birth certificate. My nan also received a visit as they needed to make sure she understood that she would soon be 100 and that she wanted to receive her card.



Angela Report 31 Jan 2012 08:40

No telegrams these days of course - it's a card instead.

It doesn't arrive automatically. You have to apply for it and send a copy of the centenarian's birth certificate to the Anniversaries Office about a month in advance.


Danny Report 31 Jan 2012 04:02

Yes you're right, sorry. I should have said, Telegram from the crown at that time.

I wonder if a copy can be applied for via the Anniversaries office? I really have no idea.


jax Report 31 Jan 2012 03:41

If they did those sort of telegrams back then it would not have been from the Queen as she took over from her father GeorgeVI in Feb 1952 and crowned June 1953 ..she probably got one from George VI though I found this on google

The History of the Queen’s Telegram
The monarch has been sending telegrams relating to specific events since 1917; the purpose of which is to celebrate and mark in some special way the fact that a milestone age or anniversary has been reached in an individual or couple’s life.

How Do I Qualify for a Telegram from the Queen?
You will qualify for a telegram from the Queen if you are one hundred years old. All centenarians receive a telegram and this is arranged and carried out by the Anniversaries office, which is part of the Queen’s private staff.

You will also receive a telegram from her Majesty once you reach the age of one hundred and five and every year after that you will receive one as well.


Danny Report 31 Jan 2012 03:18

Does anyone know if there is a way to find out if an individual received a telegram from the Queen after turning 100?

My Great Grandmother told us how her Grandmother turned 100 in 1947 and received a telegram from the Queen. I was wondering if there was some kind of magical database somewhere with a list of these individuals?

Her name was Elizabeth PEARSON b1847 in Hadstock, Essex and married William MALLOWS in 1866. Her death is registered in Oct-Nov-Dec 1947 in Saffron Walden, Essex.