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Elizabeth2469049 Report 30 Jan 2012 22:11

It is worth noting that on Ancestry with so many public trees being copiable, you can find your family names repeated - on two occasions I have written to ask for the sources of their information on remote ancestors I have culled from an inherited family tree with few documentary references - only to find that their source was me!

This shouldn't happen with GR as you have to give permission for access to your tree - but beware it is possible to be careless and not delete the tick giving access to your tree when communicating with possible hot matches. When either offering or asking for information -I usually say something like "if you think they are identical and would like further information let me know" - and often get no answer! but if I do it is usually a sensible comment on the background to the names involved.

I know this isn't particularly relevant to Daisy's problem, but thought it was a point worth repeating.


Cynthia Report 30 Jan 2012 18:23

Hi Daisy,

There are often similar queries on these boards. Unfortunately, it is hard to guess at why she hasn't responded.

It could be one of several reasons...........

she may have lost interest in family research

her membership may have lapsed

she is on holiday

Perhaps ill.

Have you tried putting the names you are researching into the Search Trees box above to see if anyone else has them in their tree?

If you find a connection, you can contact the tree owner.


~~~~~~~to Jan - long time no see :-D


brummiejan Report 29 Jan 2012 21:26

Has she opened the message? If you look on 'sent messages' you will be able to see if the envelope is still showing or not.


Daisy236 Report 29 Jan 2012 21:24

I have a hot match with Jane Horsman, she matches to 3 members of one branch of the family WIlliam, Horace and Kate Else. Ive sent her a message and a request to view her tree but I havent had a response. Does anyone have any other sugesstions on how I can contact her? To have 3 matches surely she must have the same family members on her tree that I have on mine! I am really eager to get in touch with her. Thanks Joanne