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WW1 death details - Canadian K.I.A.

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mgnv Report 24 Jan 2012 22:57

The Circumstances of Death Register was not as random as I feared - just a chunk of files from end had been stuck in front.

No death details given for my Charles - just a more precise location - TRENCHES SOUTH WEST OF COURCELETTE.

Since the images of his unit's war diaries are online too, I'd guessed this, but it's nice to have it confirmed.


mgnv Report 24 Jan 2012 09:49

FYI - Title: Circumstances of Death Registers, First World War
Images available online - e.g.;

"While on duty at his gun position during operations South East
of Passchendaele, in the course of an enemy bombardment a shell
burst in front of his gun and shrapnel from it penetrated his
head killing him instantly."

Also online is
Title: Commonwealth War Graves Registers, First World War
My dad's cousin died in WW1:

Initials: C P
Nationality: Canadian
Rank: Private
Regiment/Service: Canadian Infantry (Quebec Regiment)
Unit Text: 13th Bn.
Date of Death: 04/09/1916
Service No: 132464
Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead
Grave/Memorial Reference: VII. G. 8.

The above was from the CWGC site.
The CWGC register has details of his disinterment (map ref) and reburial at Serre Rd Cemetery
It also gives his nok (his dad)'s addy, and one bro's addy and says photos of the grave were sent to both.

The Circumstances of Death Register I need doesn`t seem to be alphabetical, so I'll have to browse thru 800 images, and I`ve not done that yet - I just gave an example off the first page above.

The Upper Canada Land Petitions (1763-1865) are also newly online.
For these and other links, check:

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