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non conformist BMDs
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Chrystine | Report | 21 Jan 2012 07:46 |
Thank you both so very much for your help, I was just so suprised to see this entry. as a child i knew my grandfather had died as a POW and a few years ago his remains were reburied and given a proper memorial. I didnt understand when his death was registered, whether the british authorities would have been notified when he died, or when my grandmother and uncle had been freed. It just goes to show how much could have been learnt if we had asked questions when growing up. I am of the seen and not heard generation, and there is so much Im finding out, I cant help but regret thier is no-one left to talk to, most of what I do remember were things I think I overheard as a child, and are not always right but I enjoy finding out. once again thank you for your help. :-) :-D |
MargaretM | Report | 21 Jan 2012 02:56 |
He's on the Commonwealth War Graves site: |
Researching: |
mgnv | Report | 21 Jan 2012 01:01 |
This is from a look up of the ref you gave at: |
Chrystine | Report | 20 Jan 2012 23:24 |
Would anyone be able to help me out?. I have just been browsing on the Families in British India site and by following links came across a death record for my grandfather who died as a civillian prisoner of war in Japan in 1945. the details areas follows Deakes George Henry, year of event 1945, event Death, place Japan,Record Set RG33 132. this is on the official Non-conformist and non Parochial BMDs Service. I am somewhat confused as to where this record came from, although it is correct, apart from Henry should be Horace. I do not have a subscription for this site and would be so grateful if anyone who has could look it up for me. I know this is where he died as my grandmother and uncle were also POWs. but dont know if this would have come from imfomation she may have given on thier release, sadly both of them are deceased so I cant ask.many thanks Chrys. |