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marriage info
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Heather | Report | 8 Jan 2012 14:26 |
but on cert it says both of this parish maybe (if they had them in those days) it was a blessing in seal church as that is where she was christened not come across it before so thats why it is a bit confusing . thanks for your reply though . |
Potty | Report | 8 Jan 2012 14:21 |
If the two people marrying live in different parishes, the banns have to be called in both parishes - one of the reasons you so often see couples giving the same address, so that they only had to pay for one lot of banns. |
Heather | Report | 8 Jan 2012 14:16 |
hi i am researching elizabeth cronk 1814 seal kent m george marchant 1809 eastbourne sussex. i have come across a banns entry for them 15th april 1849 southwark st saviour southwark. but i have also come across the acutal marriage april 1849 seal kent. i thought if you had the banns in a church you had to marry in that church am i right? its a bit confusing . |