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Living relative issues

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Danny Report 6 Jan 2012 00:33

Hmm funny you should say that. She's not a blood relative of this part of the family. My Granddads brother married this persons mother when she was pregnant and then legally adopted her as an infant.

I have uploaded pics and asked her to identify them if the can but she hasn't.

Either way, I guess I'll just be patient. Patient-er.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 Jan 2012 10:07

As you have some copies, have you emailed them to her, and asked her to name the unknown ones? She may be willing to do that.

Although you are both related to the people in the album, she probably feels protective and has 'ownership' of them, and in her heart doesn't think you 'deserve' them as the link is further away than hers.


Danny Report 5 Jan 2012 05:53

That's a great idea Moonbi! I love it :)

Berona - I don't expect her to send them via mail (as much as I'd love the originals for a time). She offered to scan them and email them. I offered to pay if she wanted to send them (as a long shot) or out of desperation, to pay her for the time it would take to scan them all to me.


Berona Report 5 Jan 2012 01:40

Danny - does your contact intend to send you the whole album? I can understand if she doesn't want to do that.
If she intends to send copies of the photos - will she be able to send them by email? or does she think she has to have copies made and mail them? That could be costly - and the reason for the delay.

Check with her on how she thinks she can get the copies to you and you might be able to offer a better solution which would lead to you receiving them soon.


moonbi Report 5 Jan 2012 00:32

hi Danny

my mother had made a photo album of our family with wording on each photo.
and when she passed away 6 years ago, she left it to be shared with 6 siblings.

Now how on earth was that to be fair!
My sister has it in her possession, and promised we could each have it in turn. well that never eventuated did it?

I was totally Surprised this christmas when she sent me a dvd. she had the whole book copied page by page and put onto a dvd, that I can view.
and also got it all printed out again, so I can make my own scrapbook.

It all turned out well but I was quite upset at first not knowing what she intended to do for us all.

Maybe you could suggest this as a solution to your problem. especially since you have offered to pay for the expense.
- (but the person concerned may not know how to do that.)


Danny Report 4 Jan 2012 23:35

Thanks guys.

This person has my Great Grandparent's wedding album, which has photos of each family member that attended and is labelled identifying them (I have some photos, but no idea who they are so this would be handy to see).

She also has my Great Grandfathers POW diaries.

I'm not sure that any of this could be gained from other sites unfortunately and although I understand some people will never, ever (EVER) help, I really need help finding more info on this part of the family so I guess I'll have to just wait and ask every now and then like I have been until she sends it.

Such a pain! I just don't get why some people aren't as interested in sharing stuff as I am! I love being able to give people things they never had before that would totally enhance their research.

Ahh well.


Jonesey Report 4 Jan 2012 15:14


I have found members of to be very helpful in situations like this. The site which is free has separate message boards for each county in the UK. Through the appropriate county board you may find someone living in the area who is prepared to visit the archive, copy the information you need and then forward it to you.

Good luck.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Jan 2012 12:21

Sometimes you just have to put it down to experience, and move on, however disappointing it may be. For a lot of people, FH takes second place to other real time family matters, and understandably, they just keep putting off the promised actions.

Have you thought about sourcing documents from other places? Copies of PR entries from the local library, or archive? Wills from the archive, National Archive, or Probate Office? Certificates from GRO? Most of the time, these can be sourced by email. There is usually a cost involved, but no one said FH research was a cheap hobby!


Danny Report 4 Jan 2012 11:51

I'm in Australia and all the information I need to continue my search on the party of the family I'm most interested in is in Eastleigh with a very 'gonna cooperate' type of person who continuously promises to scan/send items to me but never actually follows through.

Obviously due to the distance I can't just go over there and get the items myself. The other family members who could have access to it, aren't on speaking terms with this person. I've offered to pay but still, nothing.

How have others handled situations like this? I don't want to nag and nag because I could potentially lose access all together, but I REALLY want and need to get access to these documents which would be priceless family research materials.