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Charlotte Brown's parents

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TheLadyInRed Report 27 Dec 2011 16:44

I've got a Charlotte Brown, born 1888 in Birmingham, Warwickshire and I have her parents as being William and Jane Brown (nee Leighton).
I've now realised that this is a mistake as William and Jane are her grandparents.
The 1891 census shows Charlotte living with grandparents and also an Alexander Robinson (son in law) and July Robinson (daughter). I think that July is a mistranscribing of Lucy who was William and Jane's daughter and Robinson is possibly Robertson. I suspect that they will be Charlotte's parents going by the ages but I can't find a marriage for Alexander Robinson (Robertson) to July (Lucy) Brown.
I'm guessing that as Charlotte is Brown, she was born out of wedlock but can anyone help me find the marriage please?


KathleenBell Report 27 Dec 2011 16:53

Is this her birth? The certificate would name her mother at least (Charlotte could be the daughter of one of the unmarried daughters):-

Name: BROWN, Charlotte Maud
Registration District: Birmingham
County: Warwickshire
Year of Registration: 1888
Quarter of Registration: Apr-May-Jun
Mother's Maiden Name: Not available before 1911 Q3
Volume No: 6D
Page No: 164

There is also this birth as a possible:-

Name: BROWN, Female (unnamed)
Registration District: Birmingham
County: Warwickshire
Year of Registration: 1887
Quarter of Registration: Jan-Feb-Mar
Mother's Maiden Name: Not available before 1911 Q3
Volume No: 6D
Page No: 7

Since Alexander Robertson comes from Scotland, he and Lucy may have married there so you will need Scotlandspeople to look for a marriage. I can't find one in Warwickshire.

Kath. x


brummiejan Report 27 Dec 2011 17:29

Still with same family members 1911 - looks like the Charlotte found above.

BROWN, Jane Head Widow F 71 1840 Staffordshire Kinver VIEW
BROWN, Martha Jane Daughter Single F 41 1870 House Keeper Staffordshire Kinver VIEW
BROWN, Alice Leighton Daughter Single F 24 1887 Milliner's Shop Assistant Worcestershire Stourbridge VIEW
BROWN, Charlotte Maud Granddaughter Single F 23 1888 Dressmaker Warwickshire Birmingham VIEW
RG number:
RG14 Piece:
17206 Reference:
RG14PN17206 RG78PN1059 RD371 SD1 ED1 SN326

Registration District:
West Bromwich Sub District:
Handsworth Enumeration District:
1 Parish:

68 Wattville Street Handsworth County: