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Local index for Shrewsbury marrs online

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mgnv Report 23 Dec 2011 21:16

Many of you are aware you can buy BMD certs from the local rego office as well as the GRO, and there are some local indices online - see:

I stumbled across a new addition:

Currently, they only have Shrewsbury marrs 1837-1935ish online, but the site only opened 9/12/11.

It's always worth checking the local index as well as the GRO index on FreeBMD, say.
The local index usually indexes marrs by entry #, not just page # as the GRO does.
Here's an example from the GRO's first page of Shrewsbury marrs 1837q3

Marriages Sep 1837 (>99%)
BAGLEY John Shrewsbury 18 165
BROUGHALL John Shrewsbury 18 165
ELKES Edward Shrewsbury 18 165
HARTSHORN Sarah Shrewsbury 18 165
JENKS Anne Shrewsbury 18 165
ROBERTS Jane Shrewsbury 18 165
WAT[HK]EN Edward Shrewsbury 18 165
WOODHALL Ann Shrewsbury 18 165

Looking up the 4 grooms gets:

Shropshire Marriage indexes for the years: 1837
Surname Forename(s) Surname Forename(s) Church / Register Office Registers At Reference
WATHEN Edward WOODHALL Ann Holy Cross(Abbey), Shrewsbury Shrewsbury C-S47/1/1
BAGLEY John ROBERTS Jane Holy Cross(Abbey), Shrewsbury Shrewsbury C-S47/1/2
BROUGHALL John JENKS Ann Holy Cross(Abbey), Shrewsbury Shrewsbury C-S47/1/3
ELKES Edward HARTSHORN Sarah Holy Cross(Abbey), Shrewsbury Shrewsbury C-S47/1/4

Often it's handy to know who it was, or even which Ann, that Edward Wathen, say, married.


Lynski Report 23 Dec 2011 23:11

Thanks for that, mgnv.

I have ancestors in Shropshire so it could come in handy.

Merry Christmas to you and yours!