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Death record help needed!!

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Julia Report 22 Dec 2011 12:41

Hi Penny, not sure why it is on Scotlands people but it is listed as a British consulate death.



Penny Report 22 Dec 2011 06:27

Why is Arthurs death on Scotlands people if he didnt die in Scotland?


Janice Report 21 Dec 2011 23:57

Maybe Emile Bourquin is from Switzerland and Arthur was visiting his daughter and son in law when he died.


Julia Report 21 Dec 2011 21:27

Cicely is correct she was born in 1907 in Scotland!


Julia Report 21 Dec 2011 21:20

I will go and check for Children!! the only one I know of is Margaret Muriel


Julia Report 21 Dec 2011 21:19

I have just checked and her husband Arthur does not appear in the 1911 scottish census either so they may have moved to switzerland between 1901 and 1911



Penny Report 21 Dec 2011 21:15

if you dont know, cant differentiate and decide which one, how will anyone else know? I am not being funny. just wonder.

no rhyme nor reason except , well maybe

Marriages Dec 1936
Bourquin Emile Harris Barnstaple 5b 1099
HARRIS Cicely E O Bourquin Barnstaple 5b 1099

so presumably he had a daughter called Cecily somewhere along the line.
Barnstable seems a little obscure but her initals are bang on


Julia Report 21 Dec 2011 21:13

Hi Penny,

Good point, I hadn't thought of the Daughter as being married!!

I have looked at all the deaths for Jane Harris from 1900-1961 that are on Scotland people



Penny Report 21 Dec 2011 20:53

why Cant C.E.O Bourquin be his daughter ?( married daughter).

You say you need to find- have you looked and eliminated any so far yourself? if so which ones?


Julia Report 21 Dec 2011 20:41

Hi All,

I am really stuck trying to find a death record and I really need it complete a 4 generation chart that I would like to give to my dad for Christmas!!

The person I am trying to find is Jane Thomson Harris nee Black born 1858 in Angus, Scotland.
Her parents were William Milne Black and Margaret nee Robertson.

In 1890 she married Arthur Baird Harris is Forfathshire and I have them in the census up to 1901still in Scotland

However Arthur died in Switzerland in 1945 (the record is on Scotlands people) and he appears to have possibly remarried as the person listed as informant is a daughter by the name of C.E.O Bourquin.

I have tried to search to see if she remarried but have not come up with anything obvious so can only currently assume that she died and then Arthur remarried.

I know scotland people is a pay per view service but I would be really grateful if anyone could have a look to see if they can come up with anything or if anyone has a world subscription to see if she also went oswitzerland.

just to confuse things on some census she is down as Janie or Janet and I can't find her in the 1911 census.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Julia (In Cambs)