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What would a 'Still-maid's Job been?'

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SylviaInCanada Report 13 Dec 2011 05:43

I once worked as a still room maid in a small private hotel (summer holiday job in the 1960s :-D )

In that case, it was where we washed china, crystal, silver cutlery, etc by hand ...... and wit great care.

In the 19th century, the function of the Still Room changed from the candle making, etc, and became the room sweetmeats, biscuits, and fruit conserves were made, and where tea, coffee and chocolate were prepared. Early morning trays were assembled in this room, colour-coded to the decor of each bedroom, for footmen and housemaids to deliver to the family bedrooms. Sandwiches, conserves, biscuits and the tea were prepared by the Still Room Maid for the afternoon tea trays.



Kiwibird Report 13 Dec 2011 04:04

Thanks for finding that Linda.
Kind Regards Kiwibird :-)


Cheshiremaid Report 13 Dec 2011 03:13

May be a Still Room Maid...from an old occupations site...

Worked in the Still-Room in a large Victorian household, answerable to both the housekeeper and the cook, where she would concoct the kitchen cleaners, soaps, candles and cosmetics for the lady of the house. It also housed the jams pickles etc. that the cook would make.



Kiwibird Report 13 Dec 2011 01:10

Have discovered that one of my ancestors was in Domestic Service.
she was employed in the Household of The Marquis of Bristol along with 31 other servants and her position was shown as 'Still-maid'.
Can anyone enlighten me as to what her job was.
Many Thanks Kiwibird.