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Family Tree Maker.

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sharonlondon Report 10 Dec 2011 19:33

I've decided to buy a FTM, but as I am pretty useless on a computer am hoping I'll be able to use it!!
My question is - I have a tree on another site which is connected to the FTM I'm buying, will I be able to just transfer my tree onto the FTM or will I have to start from scratch?
& if you can transfer your tree onto it,is it easy or do you need to be a bit savvy with computers?

Thanks gang ;-)


Countrymouse Report 10 Dec 2011 20:21

Hello. Is your tree on Ancestry? If so you should be able to download it. It may do it automatically or you may have to download the gedcom from the site and upload on to your FTM. I bought FTM a few weeks ago and uploaded from that to ancestry. Inspector Green Pen on here knows lots more than I do but I am happy with my purchase.
One thing he told me was that the different types of FTM, ie essentials, platinum etc refers to the level of access you get to ancestry as part of your purchase, nothing to do with the tree programme itself.


sharonlondon Report 10 Dec 2011 21:10

Thanks Countrymouse for your reply.
Although when you mentioned gedcoms, uploads & downloads it left me cold!! (haven't a clue about all that!)
Yes it was Ancestry - I had a subscription with them & added census & parish records to people in my tree (which was all very easy to do - just push a button & done!) but once my subscription ran out I found all these things couldn't be accessed (had no knowledge of downloading things to your computer!) It's a cheek really as you pay over £100 pounds for the year, so the documents you attach to people should be yours to view whenever . As it is you have to pay twice to view something you've already paid for :-(
This FTM comes with 6 months subs to ancestry so thought I'd attempt to do it plus keep the records!!
Just hope its in easy jargon & I can do it!!


Donna17 Report 11 Dec 2011 01:17

Sharon - FTM is set up to work with Ancestry, and you can download your tree from there without any gedcoms or anything. I think it just asks if you want to add stuff from Ancestry, and you put in your username and password and off it goes.

With FTM 2012 you can 'sync' your online tree with your pc one, so they remain the same - older versions will download the original tree but any changes you make online you will have to make manually on the pc version too (or vice versa).

I agree with you that it is frustrating when you have found a record and then can no longer see it, but that doesn't just apply to Ancestry - happens on GR too!

Good luck :)



Countrymouse Report 11 Dec 2011 12:36

Sorry, Sharon, if I confused you. I am glad Donna was able to clarify. I'm not that good myself so sometimes get muddled. When you activate your free use of ancestry don't forget to stop before they take any money. I have been warned they can be very prompt but you can get it back. I haven't used my free access yet so am only saying what others have said to me. Good luck!

Cornish Susie

Cornish Susie Report 13 Dec 2011 19:36

Sharon - if you haven't bought the FTM yet, check out the offers using Tesco Clubcard vouchers. I bought mine a couple of months ago for £30 worth of vouchers and that included 6 months sub. to Ancestry worldwide so a pretty good deal.
