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How do I Save records?(The Janet & John version!!)

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sharonlondon Report 5 Dec 2011 16:02

Can anyone explain how I can save records from Seax (Essex Parish Records.)
Now that you have to pay to use the site I would like to keep some of the baptism /marriage records but haven't a clue how to!!
My computer skills are very basic so please explain as if you were talking to a 6 year old!!
Thanks everyone :-D


brummiejan Report 5 Dec 2011 17:09

I am a total computer numpty so these will be basic queries!!
I would try asking advice from the site if that is possible - look for contact details
Otherwise, when viewing, can you see 'file' on top of screen? If so there will be a save option.


Kense Report 5 Dec 2011 19:01

The site FAQ is as follows:

3.5 How can I get a copy of the images that I see on your website?

The present software does not have any mechanism for directly printing or downloading images. However, within our terms and conditions, you may right-click on a full-sized image and either email it to yourself; or save it elsewhere; or copy and paste it into another application. These images will carry our reference and watermark, which you must not remove.

Get the full size image on the screen
Right click
Select Save as
then select a folder in which to save the image and to give it a suitable name
Select Save

If it doesn't work then email
[email protected]