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1901 census

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Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 28 Nov 2011 16:07

I believe that it a problem on the Genes census that you can,t forward and back pages.

Personally I use Ancestry and FMP


Joy Report 28 Nov 2011 15:57

No, sorry, but then I don't use GR for records; when I joined, there were no records in GR. I use ancestry / find my past, and other sites.


Lindsey Report 28 Nov 2011 15:41

It is only me that has a problem with the 1901 census? The GR team have told me not to use Safari (why not?), but to use Chrome or Firefox instead so have switched to Chrome for GR only (I otherwise like Safari and am hacked off that I have to switch). When I pull it up, the first thing I have to do is zoom out as it's too large. OK, I do that, but then I can't forward or backward a page so if I've checked a family out on the 1891 and then go onto the 1901 and the same husband/wife and children appear, I can't hit the next button to see whether they had more children as there isn't a next button.

It all seems a bit too 20th century ....

Anyone else had this problem?