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Marriage Certificates

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Fionapatel Report 26 Nov 2011 19:44

Are there an sites that let you view actual certificates so that you can view parents names , so that I know the right marriage, I have come to a brick wall with my family as there are so many Smiths and have applied for various certificates and they have all be wrong. any help appreciated.


Michelle Report 26 Nov 2011 19:57

No I have the same problem, trying to clarify correct people are married even on a marriage date and place. Luckily I have always ordered the correct marriage certificates but now, i have just ordered the wrong one. The only place to make checks is the BMD free index site where you try to find the partner to the marriage and if the same vol and page and location of marriage and date etc and yearly time all match up, still does not guarantee that the couple you found actually married each other as there are usually 4- 8 people on each marriage record and either could have married each other ! The only other way is by ordering a person's birth certificate this will give you the name of both parents. Then you can order the correct marriage certificate as confirmed mother's name. Then marriage certificate would give you their address of both fathers and their names and occupations. It saves you dishearten, £9.50 a certificate ( i know just wasted that amount this week myself) and two weeks wait, including people's waiting time, living in the same town as I do as the records office !

Hope this helps.


brummiejan Report 26 Nov 2011 19:59

Not in England/Wales. I am assuming this is after 1837?
For early marriages - including 1837 onwards - it might be possible to locate parish register, maybe this would help.
Or give some details for people to offer suggestions.


Fionapatel Report 26 Nov 2011 20:14

All Smiths parents Albert and Janet married Liverpool Lancashire 1901 children, want to know if any married Do know that
Stanley Smith Never married
Frank DOB 1914 do know marriage but died in Sussex but do not know when
Leonard have found this one
Ada DOB 1907
Clara DOB1902
Arthur DOB 14/6/1909
Alfred DOB 1904
Albert DOB 1911
Janet died at birth
Harold DOB 1916
Janet DOB 1920

Any help really appreciated


patchem Report 26 Nov 2011 20:19

If you have exact date of birth you can often find the death. If you then obtain the death certificate the name of the informant could be a relative which would help in your search. This works for women just using their first names so points to possible marriages.


Fionapatel Report 26 Nov 2011 20:23

Can you do this on genes or on a different site.


brummiejan Report 26 Nov 2011 22:18

Not sure about genes. It's not a good site for records.
You can search for deaths using birth date after 1969 on Ancestry.


mgnv Report 26 Nov 2011 22:27

It depends on where they wed. If they got married in a rego office, then there's no way to see the m.cert without paying. The original cert they signed is with the rego district. They made a copy that they sent to the GRO.

However, if they wed in a CofE church, then the m.cert they signed is in the parish register, and the local RD and the GRO have copies of that. You can buy a copy from the local RD, or the image of the GRO's copy from the GRO. You can also buy a copy from the church if it's in their current rego. When the church's rego is full, it's usually deposited in some local archive, like the Liverpool records office. and one can view them there. Many have been filmed, and one can rent the films from the LDS -it's not much cheaper if the film only has one event of interest. Some of these films are online. Ancestry has some Liverpool parish records online, incl RC and quaker marrs.

There are some Liverpool transcriptions online at

There are some transcriptions of the local Liverpool index online (and W Derby, etc) at

This is particularly useful pre 1912, as they usually index by entry #, rather than page # as the GRO index does, so one actually knows who wed whom on the GRO page. It also names the rego concerned (i.e., the church). Here's an example:

Lancashire Marriage indexes for the years: 1901
Surname Forename(s) Surname Forename(s) Church / Register Office Registers At Reference
SMITH Albert MEIKLE Janet Everton, Christ Church Liverpool 2094WD/3/487


jax Report 26 Nov 2011 22:50

There are quite a few Liverpool marriages on ancestry up until 1921

Name: Janet Meikle
Birth Year: abt 1880
Age: 21
Marriage Date: 28 Jul 1901
Parish: Everton Christ Church
Spouse's Name: Albert Smith
Father's Name: William Meikle
Spouse Father's Name: Albert Smith


patchem Report 27 Nov 2011 08:18


Christine Report 2 Dec 2011 22:16

You might be lucky and find the one you want on

It won't be the actual certificate, but should have all the information from the certificate.