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(DAP) Supported by BAAF

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Rachel Report 24 Nov 2011 19:36

Decendents of Deceased Adopted Persons (DAP)

This is a group of people who are on the BAAF website and BAAF is currently helping them convince the government to change the legislation which would allow a Descendent of a Desceased Adopted person the right to access their origonal Birth certificate via an intermeadiary service.

I have found them very helpful in my quest to discover who my biological great grandparents really were.

So if you are doing your family tree having problems accessing birth records because the person you are researching were adopted and have now passed away.

Or are you unsure as to wheather or not you can try to access the adoption file (Which is completely different and may not contain any information at all) Technically this is not legal, however due to all my contact with members in the same situation their is a loophole. It is to the discreation of the court where the adoption took place. So if your biological relative was adopted in 1934 like my grandfather then its highly unlikely the mother or father will be alive and they sometimes will look for the records. They did this for me, unfortunately all records before 1950 no longer exist at the court where it took place. Many other people in the DAP group have all gone down this route and some have been successfull.

If so and you are stuck, I would love to here from you.

Please only reply if you are a desendent of an adoptee who is desceased and want to know the information, my old thread had everything on apart from the people i am looking for,

Thankyou again
This was the site and group that my own MP suggested back in may of this year after hearing of my struggle and he himself is now helping BAAF as their will be a review in the next 12 months of the current legislation.
If you go to the homepage and scroll down to the bottom of the screen, in the small print you will discover it is backed by BAAF.


Rachel Report 25 Nov 2011 14:45

Oh my threads been put back on, It has been reviewed, everything in it must be ok and above board then, I will delete the old thread just so Im not cluttering up the board about the same subject

Thankyou Genes Reunited