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Irish Death Certificates

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Paul Report 20 Nov 2011 15:11

Can anyone tell me is it possible to send for a death certificate for someone that died in Ireland (county Cork) when you are living in England or Wales? If so where do I send off to, and how much will it cost? Perhaps the Greneral Registration Office would be able to help me? Any information would be greatly appreciated, thankyou.


ANNE Report 20 Nov 2011 15:42

Hi Paul

I hope this information will be helpful to you. If you contact the General Register Office you can get a death certificate it will cost 10euros thats what it cost me a few weeks ago for a birth certificate. e mail

This is also their address GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE


Paul Report 20 Nov 2011 15:50

Many thanks for your help. How does 10 euros convert to £s just now, and how do you pay? Sorry, I am not very up on payments when it comes to converting to other currencies etc. Once again, many thanks.


MarieCeleste Report 20 Nov 2011 15:51


mgnv Report 21 Nov 2011 00:48

The GRO(I) index thru 1958 (excl N. Ireland post-partition) is available at:®ion=EUROPE

One can purchase certs (or cheaper still, the uncertified images of the rego) via:

The Irish 1901/1911 censuses are free at:

Most City of Dublin parish registers are free online at:
[There are also Carlow, Cork & Kerry OPRs there too]

If you pay by credit card, your bank will do the currency conversion for you, and pay the bill in euros and charge you in pounds (at a mildly unfavourable exchange rate). If you make a purchase abroad, and then return the item and get a credit card refund, you'll see the two amounts differ - until you call the card company up and moan at them.


Phyll Report 21 Nov 2011 09:40

I got euros from the Post Office and sent the request by recorded delivery. Unfortunately my P O doesn't do 10 euros so I sent for 2 certs for 20 euros.