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Helen Report 19 Nov 2011 12:58

Hi all,

I recently found a burial record for one of my ancestors, born 1841 died in may 1882. which is for the St Marylebone Workhouse on Northumberland Street, London W. On the record where the ward is supposed to be put, it has body brought by the police.

Is there anywhere I can look to find out what happened or why the police would take a body to the workhouse?

I know that in the 1881 census he was living in Ashton, Cheshire with his wife and children, I also know that his children all ended up in Waltham in Massachusetts, can anyone advice on where to look.




brummiejan Report 19 Nov 2011 13:01

Workhouses also functioned as hospitals, so I would hazard a guess that they had a mortuary, hence the body was brought there. Not sure what 'ward' signifies (my ignorance!). Maybe they didn't know where he died?
Have you any idea whether his wife was still living?
Have you located death record, the cert might help.


Helen Report 19 Nov 2011 13:11


His wife Eliza was still living, she was still in Ashton on the 1891 census, a few doors down from their previous address.

Looking at the record, as it lists all the deaths, it seems that ward is for where in the workhouse they died, many on his page are children, so alot said nursery, there was only Edwards that said body brought by the police, it was also the workhouse that did the burial, as in the column asking about burial responsibility it states workhouse.

I have located the death cert, and will order it, but just wondered if there was anywhere else that holds information on workhouses and their records.



Adeline Report 19 Nov 2011 13:40

There is quite a lot about St Marylebone Workhouse here:


Helen Report 19 Nov 2011 14:02

Thanks Adeline, I will have a read of it.

I think the only way I will possibly get some sort of lead is to get the death cert, so I will just have to wait a couple of weeks for it.


Kay???? Report 19 Nov 2011 18:57

London Metropolitan Archives could hold the St Marys records or Marylebone local studies library but as a guess the London Met,,,,these will be more detailed than a burial record as in admissions....there may have been an inquest and post mortem ?this will be on the death certificate.


Helen Report 19 Nov 2011 22:14

Thanks Kay, looking at what I have found he was never admitted to the workhouse. So can only presume that he was found near there which is why he was taken there.

Reading up on the link that Adeline put on, there was a incident that happened in Regents park, and the people both living and fatalities were taken there, to the infirmary and Mortuary.

I have ordered the death cert, and hopefully that will sort of solve some of the mystery.

Helen x