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WW2 War records

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valinkent Report 16 Nov 2011 18:48

Thanks everyone for your help.


InspectorGreenPen Report 16 Nov 2011 15:30

I would just add:-

For the purpose of obtaining records NOK is assumed to be a spouse or, if the subject was not married, a parent.

If subject or NOK is still alive they must be the person making the application or give written permission for the records to be sent to someone else. No fee is payable.

If subject or NOK is no longer alive then applicant must prove their relationship, usually by submitting copy certificates. In this case the fee is payable.


rootgatherer Report 16 Nov 2011 15:10

There is some info om this thread.


George_of_Westbury Report 16 Nov 2011 15:07

Here is the link to the Veterans Agency.These records are still held by the MOD
All the appropriate forms can be downloaded from the site

Just to say they are only available to the person themselves or their NOK,which has to be proven and i understand there is a long wait to get them 9 months that is for Army records, and will cost £30-00 but free to the person themselves



valinkent Report 16 Nov 2011 14:54

I want to get my father in laws records but not sure how and where i get them from.
Can you help please.
