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so has anyone done anything interesting with

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~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 14 Nov 2011 18:25

their findings from their family tree? i.e. booklets, websites, etc etc?


Berniethatwas Report 15 Nov 2011 08:10

Looks like we're a lot of useles gits then, eh?


Persephone Report 15 Nov 2011 09:48


Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 15 Nov 2011 10:20

Done anything? Hah!! I've been saying to myself these past few years that I'm going to put all mine in book form.....
Result so far = big fat zero.

However, I do have my mum's side on one Tribal Pages site and my dad's side on another Tribal Pages site, thereby enabling overseas family members to see what I've done so far, and keep up with any addtions I make.
From TP they get an automatically generated newsletter each fortnight, and I find that often nudges them to send me stories/photos/info to add to the tree. Then, it seems they like to check back to the tree to see if I've added THEIR item!! Keeps them interested I suppose ;-)



Adeline Report 15 Nov 2011 10:21

Why not contribute an article on some interesting aspect of your family history to a family history society journal?

Family history society members (annual membership cost is usually quite small) have access to a wealth of local knowledge which can enhance the "bare bones" of your family history picked up online from censuses, etc .

My own contributions to a journal have resulted in acquiring a lot more information as well as making contact with distant relatives I wouldn't otherwise have found.



OldYorkshireBloke Report 15 Nov 2011 10:23


Put it all in a book for an aged aunt - picture certificates social history.
It was meant to be a Christmas present last year. Took longer than expected turned out to be instead of an Easter Egg this year.

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 15 Nov 2011 10:26

Keep meaning to do that Adeline, particularly as I have a brickwall which has been bugging me for years and I'm a member of the Cambs FHS.
If I could only shift myself into writing something!!!



grannyfranny Report 15 Nov 2011 13:41

I've written mini sagas about some of my families, mainly for showing to other family members who don't research but are interested.

We have a huge family saga written in 1898 which brings in my ggrandfather.
My brother and I agreed that we needed to continue this saga, so have each written a section going forward.


Michael Report 15 Nov 2011 15:12

Producing a complete family history I realised was going to be too daunting a task. Not just because of the vast amount of information and so many lines of ancestry but because new information pops up all the time even after 10 years of digging around!
As I was getting nearer to 70 than 60 I thought I should get something written and in to print at least for my little grandsons.
I decided to write little pieces about my immediate ancestors using every bit of available info and limited it to 12 persons with a view to later little books. I managed to find a local digital printer who was happy to produce any quantity you wanted even if you only wanted one. The cost was affordable and probably varies from area to area and from printer to printer.
I had 10 done on the basis that one or two might survive! But would you know it that just a year after they were done I found information about my great great grandfather that showed I had the wrong man. This iwas always going to happen despite my rigorous research. Luckily writing 10 revised articles on him was not the end of the world!
Go for it as it is a bit like deciding to back up all the stuff on your computer the day after it fries!


MarieCeleste Report 15 Nov 2011 16:56

Does using the info you've found to go on a trip to my ancestors in Ireland's tiny voillage count?


Michael Report 15 Nov 2011 18:23

Sorry Marie. You have lost me there!


MarieCeleste Report 15 Nov 2011 19:38

Mike - the question was "Has anyone done anything interesting with their findings from their family tree".

So, my findings were that I found the small village in County Cork that my paternal great-grandfather's family originated from. I used those findings to travel there. It was interesting! (But I was able to get some great photos and have a pint in the pub that his family had owned from the 1860s)


Michael Report 15 Nov 2011 22:17

Hello Marie

That is using the bald facts of genealogy to put some flesh on the bones of history! I too have been to my great grandparents part of the world in the northeast and drank pints in the pubs they once had over 100 years ago. Gave me a warm feeling, apart from the beer that is !


Berniethatwas Report 16 Nov 2011 07:14

Well, some people are not useless then. Apologies!
All I've managed to do is to have great piles of paper all over my desk in the hope that one day I may get around to sorting it in to some kind of order.