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barnardos omg how much

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Kay???? Report 9 Nov 2011 18:49

That is alow to fair price and could be concidered under charged in some case.

They man handle every record being sought so worth every penny and lots would take out a small loan to be able to access such information without restrictions of red tape.
If its important for you to know or have the paper work then you'll have to foot the costs.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 9 Nov 2011 17:31

My FIL was put into home at a very early age , he always thought it was Barnardos but contacting them they didnt find him.
Subsequently have found it was a local home in Birmingham run by the local council but they havent kept his records others than his admission date and when he left.

We would willingly have paid the Barnardos fee to see ALL his file info as ,bless him, he was so young when his mum abandoned him as he was always very hurt that no family wanted him.

I am contact with the son of a Barnardos lad on my side who was sent to Canada and altho his dad is passed he is so glad to know his dads family ancestor's.

All in all any fee is worth the info it gives is my opinion


DazedConfused Report 9 Nov 2011 12:45

You will also find that their records are not online or computerised. So the initial fee is to check their log books to verify he was there. The 2nd larger fee is to go through their vast records to find his records.

Also as said before they are a charity, not a genealogical society. Any money they get is ploughed back into their funds to help more children.

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 8 Nov 2011 23:23

If he was with Barnardos for any length of time then it will be worth the money. Barnardos is there to support children, not provide a family history service. If someone was in Barnardos care, they are allowed to see their records get copies etc. for free.
To provide this service, they have to employ staff to run it and have to charge for the service. Think yourself lucky that the option is available, if he'd been in local authority care or many other charities, you wouldn't be allowed to see his file.


Flick Report 8 Nov 2011 22:28

I suppose it depends on how important it is to you to find out about your father's time with them........

They alone will hold the records


Sally Report 8 Nov 2011 22:17

i guess you will not be leaveing them any thing in your will

£20 would be plenty
sally w :-0


Emma Report 8 Nov 2011 22:09

my father was taken in and out of care so i thort i would try barnardos (who amputated his toes )
THEY want 15.00 to tell me he was a barna boy then min package 20.0 up to 80 to give me information on my own father is there any where else i can get this info