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Birth certificate help

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Catherine Report 6 Nov 2011 15:15

Hi I was looking at my mothers birth certificate and in the box where it says when registered it was { second August 1948 on the authority of the registrar general} what dose this mean ? my mother was born in 1946.
Iv got the 2nd birth certifcate from 1948 if there was 1 from 1946 which was in my gran maiden name. could my mother of got this cerificate and used it ?
thank you


Clover Report 6 Nov 2011 15:50

Here in Ireland it means that the birth was registered late, so assuming that it had to go to the General Register first/

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 6 Nov 2011 15:55

Was your mum maybe re registered in 1948 have you looked for the marriage of her parents


Jonesey Report 6 Nov 2011 16:03

I am guessing that when your mother was born in 1946 that her mother was not married to the father so her birth would have been registered under her mothers surname at the time. That surname may have been her maiden name or if she was married/divorced/widowed that surname would have been used.

What may then have happened is that your grandmother may have married your mothers natural father and applied for your mother's birth to be re-registered in the fathers surname.

If your mother knew of the existence of the earlier certificate and instructions not to release a copy had not been issued by the registrar general when the 1948 entry was made then I suppose it is possible that your mother may have been able to obtain a copy of the earlier one.


mgnv Report 6 Nov 2011 18:00

Normally, you have 6 w to rego a birth. If you don't rego within 3 m (maybe it's 6 m - I forget), then the local subdistrict registrar can't do it, he needs permission from the district superintendent. If a year has passed, and the birth still hasn't been rego'ed, then you need permission from the registrar general for the registration to be accepted.


Catherine Report 6 Nov 2011 18:29

I know My granmother was not married at the time of my mothers birth. My gran did tell my about that when my mother birth was registered it was a family member ( something to do with food rationing) and they would not let them get married as they was under 21.
The thing is My mother went missing 25 years ago . but until now I never had any news On wednesday the police had found out she had gone back to my gran manden name .and I was thinking if when my mother got a copy of her birth in 1983 the one from 1948 and see that foot note how hard would it of been for her to get the 1`s birth certifcate and used that 1.
big thank you for taking the time to read and reply


Penny Report 6 Nov 2011 20:37

Bear in mind you can call yourself whatever you like,, as long as it sn't ( i think the wording is) ''with intent to de-fraud''


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Nov 2011 05:05

so far as I know, you cannot obtain a birth certificate if it has been replaced by a later registration "on the auhtority of the registrar-general"

Have you tried searching to see if you can find the early certificate??

It may well still be showing, but if you applied for it, I think you would get the later one (because of cross-referring).
