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1911 Census

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MotownGal Report 6 Nov 2011 13:37

Hello mgnv.

This is the first chance I have had to get back on here.

Thank you for your message.

I think I understand your way of getting through the census. I will need to bring the page up, and then go to it.

Yep, the penny is beginning to drop.

Will have a go. Thank you for your time adding to my request.



mgnv Report 5 Nov 2011 22:06

Go to and do a full person search.
Show advanced fields.

Lets see who was at 7 Westmoreland Street, Wigan
So set Residential place=7 Westmoreland Street
and set Census reference=rd458
That's it - so search and get the 7 hits

If you wanted to repeat the search guessing stuff like Relationship to head=wife etc, you could

This avoids going thru the alphabet, since census ref is also one of the required fields.

All you need is some geeky nut to go thru and search for Smith in rd1, then rd2, etc, and record which rego district the hit is in. Then you know Wigan, say, is rd458.


MotownGal Report 5 Nov 2011 21:12

Thank you both.

I did not think I could do it on GR, so although I have a subscription, it does not do exactly what I want it to do.

Thank you Lynne, I shall take the advice from Jan, it makes more sense for me to look things up myself.

Thank you both very much. I appreciate you both taking the time to answer my query.



brummiejan Report 5 Nov 2011 20:16

You can try a free search by specifying address in 'residential place' box. Then put 'a' in surname box, specify 'names beginning with', and click on search. It takes a very short time to go through the alphabet this way.
This can be done on 1911 site:

Lynne From Up North !!

Lynne From Up North !! Report 5 Nov 2011 18:28

Yes you can search by address - if you would care to post it, we can take a look.



MotownGal Report 5 Nov 2011 18:24

Can any of you clever people out there tell me if it is possible to look up an address on the 1911 Cenus, without knowing who lives there?

I have a Platinium subscription on GR, but I am assuming I can only look up a surname, and general area.

Can someone point me in the right direction please?

I am going out for a couple of hours very soon, so if I do not acknowledge your reply immediately, please forgive me. I will get back on here asap.

Thank you in advance.