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Re: Subscription

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Barbara Report 3 Nov 2011 18:59

I am trying to decide which website to subscribe to GR, Find my past or Ancestry. Any suggestions to which have best records?


brummiejan Report 3 Nov 2011 19:11

I think most people would advise against GR for records, but keep basic membership for advice and lookups. Otherwise it's a matter of choice - there are slightly different records on each of the other two.
I think most people tend to have Ancestry, and ask for lookups on FMP as needed - or vice versa!
I think they both have a 2-week free trial.


GlitterBaby Report 3 Nov 2011 19:13

I currently only use FMP for the 1911 census

Ancestry is a bonus to me as they have a lot of London records which is useful for my interests

Will depend on what information you are hoping to find


Barbara Report 3 Nov 2011 19:46

Thanks to both of you, is Ancestry not very good for 1911 census? Just tried to find a relative who I know is on the census and its come up with people in Wales, when I put in Swindon!!


jax Report 3 Nov 2011 20:03

Ancestry only have Wales, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man on the 1911 at the moment thats why it came up with a Welsh one



Barbara Report 3 Nov 2011 21:00

Thanks, well I didn't know that ! I suppose they are good for other records.


Barbara Report 3 Nov 2011 21:19

Hmm yes, I am thinking of FMP as when I do searches, without subscribing it is giving me information that I know on an ancestor unlike ancestry.


Jenpen Report 3 Nov 2011 21:23

I, also, mainly use FMP and have a subscription with them. For me they have a great and increasing number of records, and I like their easy navigation.

I occasionally use ancestry for things not on FMP, like London records. But I do find ancestry difficult to navigate and find the records I want. They also come up with far too many results of dubious connection to my search.

GR I like for the ability to connect with others who have names in their tree that match mine. But I only rarely use GR for looking up records.



Barbara Report 3 Nov 2011 21:29

Ancestry I found confusing on my trial period,too! So, have decided on FMP, so, if any of you want any look ups, feel free to ask. Thanks to all of you for helping, its much appreciated!


VTinOZ Report 4 Nov 2011 01:42

Hi Everyone,
I too have been thinking of a sub/pay as I go to FMP or maybe BDM registers, both seem to have some overseas & non conformist records I'm interested in for Marriage & Births in Israel, Palestine, North Africa.
I can't seem to find anything that tells me if the image they show is an actual cert, which would give details I don't have or if the image is just the index lists which give only reference details to allow purchase of the certs from GRO.
Does anyone know please or have any suggestions?
Many thanks,


Joan Report 4 Nov 2011 04:49

I've just purchased FMP and found one great disadvantage. You do not have the option of picking up a person on other owners trees and being able to contact that owner. I have found this invaluable in the past.


InspectorGreenPen Report 4 Nov 2011 07:13

The question is similar to "How Long is a Piece of String?" There is no simple answer. It all depends on what you are looking for.

Each particular class of record (i.e. 1901 Census) is exactly the same irrespective of which site you use, the difference is in the accuracy of the searchable transcription, ease of use and general look and feel of the site.

People tend to be comfortable with what they are used to so individual preferences can often be subjective, when it cones to choosing between sites offering the same information.

Compare what is on offer against your research requirements. Make use of Free Trials where available.

Ancestry are in the process of releasing the fully searchable 1911 Census for England, so this should be on-line shortly.

E & W BMD Certificates can only be obtained by ordering and paying for them from either the GRO or the Register Office where the event was registered. It is only possible to view the Index on-line.

However, it is possible to view certain Parish Registers on-line which may give the same info as on a cert. For example, Ancestry has Yorkshire registers on-line and those after 1837, for marriages, are effectively the original entry from which both the local RO and GRO entries are created.