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Using 2 different names???

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allison Report 31 Oct 2011 16:50

Hi. I've just started my tree and i'm getting stuck already! Hoping somebody might be able to help!
My Gran was born 'Doris' in 1920. She had a sister 'Veronica' who was born 4 years earlier in 1916. Veronica died the same year - 1916.
My Gran married in 1937 using her dead sisters name! She was widowed 11 years later and remarried but this time used both names...Veronica Doris.
Has anybody any idea how!!
Thanks in advance from a very confused beginner!

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 31 Oct 2011 16:58

Maybe she preferred Veronica to Doris. You can call yourself anything you like unless its to defraud. At least she added the Doris the second time around.
I would put her name down on her birth record as Doris and then make a note against both marriages that she was known as Veronica


allison Report 31 Oct 2011 17:06

Thanks. It has also been suggested that it was quite common for a sibling to take the name of an elder child who had died, but i'm not sure how accurate that is. Would she have needed to produce a birth certificate at the time of her marriage?

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 31 Oct 2011 18:27

Well it was often the parents who would name the next child of the same sex with the name of a child that had died. Maybe her parents called her veronica on a day to day basis so she thought that was her name when she married first.

I dont think you had to produce a birth cert .I didnt when i married nor did my mum in 1929 and her age is incorrect on her cert


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Nov 2011 04:21

Have you got her birth certifcate to see what she was actually registered as??

She might have been registered, or baptised, as Doris Veronica (or vice versa)

It was not at all uncommon for the name of a child who died to be given to another, later born, child
