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Was Baptism after passing away possible?

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TerryFromGloucester Report 29 Oct 2011 16:15


I hope that someone may be able to answer my query, please.

My Gt Gt Grandmother sadly appears to have died soon after giving birth to a daughter, who also passed away a short while after.

The birth was on 18th Feb 1837 and the mother died on 22th Feb 1837 and her daughter on 25th June 1837.

However it appears that they were both Christened/Baptised on 5th March 1837, the daughter was christened in a Wesleyan Chapel and the mother was Baptised at a different church according to separate CLDS non conformist records

Please can anyone advise me if it was possible that a Baptism could be performed after the person had passed away.

Many thanks, Terry


Porkie_Pie Report 29 Oct 2011 16:28

I would of thought it impossible after death,

was the LDS record a submitted entry or a extracted one?

submitted are usually not to be relied on and should always be checked against parish records


Edit, Looks like i was wrong about it being impossible



TerryFromGloucester Report 29 Oct 2011 17:33

Thanks Roy for your reply.

I don't know if the record (RG4-0614) was submitted or extracted. I think a trip to my local archive office may be needed to see if this record is available to view.



Lindsey* Report 29 Oct 2011 19:14

I read somewhere that Jews were protesting about LDS "baptising"
some of their members after death.


MargaretM Report 29 Oct 2011 19:29

Latter Day Saints baptise after death, sometimes hundreds of years after. A member of the church can have all of his ancestors baptised into the church. This is why there was so much opposition to allowing them access to parish records.


mgnv Report 29 Oct 2011 20:14

I don't think so - apart from the LDS (who weren't operating in England in 1837).
I would suspect a case of mistaken identity. Unfortunately, this is pre-civil rego began, so there'll be less info on the events in OPRs. I'ld certainly check the 1841 too, to see what info on abode I might glean.


lancashireAnn Report 29 Oct 2011 22:11

are you sure that it was the same family, duplicated names were very common in many areas at that time as so many traditional family names were handed down through different branches of a family.

I would have thought it unusual in those days for a mother not to be already baptised especially if she has already had other children baptised. Did it gave more detail such as age on her baptism record and death record as you only say 'appears to have died'


TerryFromGloucester Report 30 Oct 2011 05:58

Thank you for all your replies and comments, most appreciated. The information that I am working on is as follows:

I have now found a baptism for my Gt Gt Grandmother on 2nd July 1816 at Uley (Gloucestershire) - Sarah Fisher, daughter of Daniel Fisher & Abigail.

She married James Andrew by licence in Gloucester on 26th October 1831. Their first child was born about 6 months later, which may be why they married out of parish.

The Christening that I found on 5th March 1837 is for Sarah Andrews Fisher, where Daniel & Abigail Fisher are shown as the parents and this is shown that it took place at Easington (should be Eastington).

The daughter of Sarah & James that passed away in 1837 was Grace Andrew and the Baptism took place at Wesleyan, Alkerton on 5th March 1837 and the parents are shown as James Andrew & Sarah Fisher.

So it is a bit of a mystery to me as to who was actually Christened at Eastington!