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Frustrating afternoon with 1911

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RutlandBelle Report 27 Oct 2011 11:01

Thanks everyone I have looked again and Quoy is right, my mistake there are only 2 females.

Ken I agree there is something wrong with that bit of the census on Ancestry, as you say there are pages missing. Glad it was just not me as I was getting very frustrated.

Sylvia I have searched on the official 1911 and the one I want is not coming up. I have contacted FMP and they are looking into it.

I think I might contact Ancestry also.

Anyway at least I know she was now back in Bridlington by 1911 so can look for Passenger lists.

Regards Jennifer



SylviaInCanada Report 27 Oct 2011 05:10

have you tried looking on the original 1991 Census site?

You can search for free, and then buy credits to look at either the transcription record or the census

AND that site also permanently stores any and all records that you have looked at.



Kense Report 26 Oct 2011 19:40

On Ancestry, district 11 has 748 pages for 424 schedules. There should be 848 pages for that number of schedules. Looking through the images there are many schedules that have the cover sheet but not the censua data page. The cover sheet is there for Mrs Simpson on image 190 (should be 225) but has no useful data on it.


Quoy Report 26 Oct 2011 19:18

I have just looked at the actual image page and there are 2 females
no males


RutlandBelle Report 26 Oct 2011 18:23

I know, I had given up on this family but they are one of my pet projects. Mrs Simpson (actually Miss) was in USA for some time in Hillsboro, Oregon , hence the name of the house. I am dying to see who the 2 males were in the household!

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 26 Oct 2011 18:19

i sometimes think all the indexing hasn't been done. i was looking for the maternal grt grandmother and put info that i knew and then left out all but the bare minimum but she wasnt showing, Gave up as a bad job and looked for other family members, (found my mum aged 16 months which gave me a pang moment) Then decided to look for grandads married sister both couple married in the same year 1908 and were each others witnesses FOUND EM and would you believe there was the grandma too with one of grandads young sons from his first marriage, hadnt found him either other than he wasnt a home with gran & grandad and his other 2 siblings.

Tried again to find grandma and the young uncle aged 8 with the info fron the census page just to check it wasnt me and NO they werent showing again.

Makes you wonder when you get the response non found :-(


Andrew Report 26 Oct 2011 18:15

Appears to be the same on ancestry. No actual sheet for 124



RutlandBelle Report 26 Oct 2011 18:06

Just having bit of a moan to friends on here.

I have been searching for ages for a particular family and I
have found them on the 1911 Summary Books as follows:

Mrs Simpson

Household schedule number:

Street Address:
Dellrbro, Richmond Street (The house is actually Hillsboro House and not

Civil parish:

Ecclesiastical parish:
Bridlington Quay Christ Church

Yorkshire East Riding


Registration district:

Registration District Number:

Sub-registration district:

Sub-Registration District Number:

ED, institution, or vessel:


and this is the census ref number:

Census Reference

RG14PN28900 RG78PN1663 RD526 SD2 ED11 SN124

I still coudn't find the entry on FMP so I searched for the one before (123) and found easily. I looked at the image and then went to the next one which should have been 124 but was 125 .

So the census returns before and after this (123 and 125) are
there but this one is missing which is very frustrating.

I have e-mailed FMP but live in hope more than expectation.

Moan over, Jennifer