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Interview with living relative: questions?
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Gwyn in Kent | Report | 23 Oct 2011 12:48 |
I understand your need to ask actual questions, but those of a general nature can give leads too. |
+++DetEcTive+++ | Report | 23 Oct 2011 10:10 |
Try and record the conversation if you can. And if she can't recall an answer to a specific query, ask again next time you see her. In the intervening period, her subconscious may have been working and she'll come up with more details. |
Researching: |
Kense | Report | 23 Oct 2011 07:51 |
If you have any old photographs with people you don't know in them it is worth seeing if she can tell you who they are. Also see if you can copy any photos she may have of ancestors and siblings. |
Jonesey | Report | 23 Oct 2011 07:22 |
What you get back will obviously depend not just on what they know but on what questions you ask and how you ask them. I cannot remember who first said it but the words Who, Where, What, Why, When and How in a sentence are good servants. They are words that cannot be answered easily with a yes or a no but will solicit a lengthier answer. |
Researching: |
Danny | Report | 23 Oct 2011 07:22 |
I've tried that and it's worked for a distant relative I met, but I get the feeling Nan would prefer to answer direct questions instead of having to think things. I think for her a direct question makes her think about specific things, where just letting her talk, as interesting as it will be, wont last for long and she wont follow on like your Dad did. |
Researching: |
Penny | Report | 23 Oct 2011 07:18 |
Qiuck fire questions probably are not the way to go. |
Danny | Report | 23 Oct 2011 06:49 |
Hi all, |
Researching: |