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Price comparison between GR & FMP

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CupCakes Report 18 Oct 2011 18:11

I can't find anywhere on GR site what are the price levels and what you can access or not.

Given that all the records on FMP are the same as GR, I was wondering which option to choose.

As my Premier membership is due for renewal soon I considering selecting the cheapest option for GR and going for the annual all inclusive option for FMP . :-)


brummiejan Report 18 Oct 2011 18:37

I googled and found this for Genes:


Standard Membership

6 months £14.95
12 months £19.95

Platinum Membership

1 month £19.95
6 months £49.95
12 months £79.95

Most people have basic membership on here then subscribe to either FMP or Ancestry. Looking at those prices I would think that is the best option as these sites are much better than genes from what I can make out.



jax Report 18 Oct 2011 19:20


Full £109.95 for 12 months which includes everything


Foundation £79.95 which only covers the census's and BMD


1911 only £59.95

Although I do not have GR now I find the FMP records a lot easier to use and at least you can search by first name or wild card which is not available on GR

GR have now added Military. pasanger lists and parish records but they are all at extra cost to the platinum


CupCakes Report 13 Dec 2011 13:44

An update: I renewed my GR subscription but because I was a 6 monthly premier member it didn't give me the option to downgrade or to change to an annual membership. All the add on bit are £11.50 each which get reduced each month. So I haven't bothered.

If you add it all up, annually it is more than FMP where the records are copied from .

Where is the freedom is the choice. The rates are still not availlable on the site for people to see. This is just not acceptable:-| :-|


Joy Report 13 Dec 2011 14:05

Under Help (at the top) is FAQs - perhaps the cost is under subscriptions.


CupCakes Report 13 Dec 2011 14:13

Joytotheworld thks - forgotten about that - old grey matter is not working so fast theses days. Had a look again but the actual cost is not mentioned which is the point nor option to change your membership


Flick Report 13 Dec 2011 14:34

Tell GR.......we can't do anything about it


Thelma Report 13 Dec 2011 15:03

Either log out or visit Genes at a different address and you can see the prices.
It seems to revert to so if you use that you will have to log out,


Joy Report 13 Dec 2011 15:07

It does seem to give the cost for platinum only :-S
Would you like to email support, Susanne, to ask them to put the cost for standard membership, too? (or upgraded as it is sometimes called)


InspectorGreenPen Report 13 Dec 2011 16:08

Making comparisons just on price alone is never that simple as all sites are that bit different in what they offer. You need to go with what you feel happy with and not knock the alternatives as sometimes seems to happen when this topic is discussed on here.

The Genealogist has the most draconian T's and C's if you are discovered doing lookups for someone else. I believe they can charge you £10 per lookup....!


Jonesey Report 13 Dec 2011 16:33

As has already been said all the sites have/give access to a different collection of databases so simple comparison is difficult.

My personal choice is basic membership of GR plus membership of Ancestry at a membership level that best suits your own personal requirements. The GR membership gives access to the message boards which is useful when seeking the advice or assistance of others. Each of the 3 membership levels at Ancestry has its own merits and all now give access to the 1911 census.

Ancestry sometimes have special offers available and the cheapest method of becoming a member is by purchasing a copy of Family Tree Maker which includes either 1 or 6 months Ancestry membership depending upon which version of FTM you buy. Purchase FTM from an independent seller rather than direct from Ancestry as the independent sellers usually have the cheaper price.

When time comes to renew your Ancestry subscription phone them and ask for a "Loyalty" discount, which they often give particularly if you say that if they don't you are going to take out a subscription with one of their competitors.