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'widowed' trees expecially in my tree
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Unknown | Report | 17 Oct 2011 17:34 |
I have added many names and have found on my screen spouces children etc 'widowed' away or unattached from their parent/family even moved far away and 'floating' in open space. I have emailed the site many times and they keep coming back to say they have 'fixed' it - but they haven't. I find decendants slightly less problematic and in 'ancestors' they tend to be all back together. I have tried using another operating system and even gone to a internet shop to check to see if it is my computer - although why I cannot imagine why - and find its still the same. :-( |
Researching: |
AmazingGrace08 | Report | 17 Oct 2011 23:29 |
Hi, |
InspectorGreenPen | Report | 18 Oct 2011 06:35 |
Quite often, apparent problems with your tree are because it isn't loading fully into your browser. This can sometimes be sorted simply by clearing your browser cache of its temp files and trying again, although in your case the problem sounds to be more related to some sort of data corruption. |