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War Records

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Shipshape Report 19 Oct 2011 20:40

WAR RECORDS Hi to all who answered my post,as you say PigletsPal

a lot of the info is duplicated and I knew also where Dad went abroad through the
medals he got,but its nice to have some news I also had a good laugh at
the times he went AWOL. :-) :-)


DazedConfused Report 18 Oct 2011 13:28

Sadly many order WW2 records in the hope of finding out about someones activity during the war. These records held in Glasgow very rarely hold this information. The information is usually very basic (albeit on lots of pages), from entry to discharge.

For the exciting information on where they were stationed and fought you usually have to get access to the Regimental Diaries. These can be kept in 1 of 3 places: The National Archives Kew, The Imperial War Museum and or the Archives of the relevant regiment.

I waited 11 months to discover that my father went to Germany & Austria with his regiment (I knew that already) he main job when not in training appeared to be clerical (although he did manage to get dysentry! and had his varicous veins done in Germany knew that as well). But I did disover that he was not in the Army during WW2, but was in the Home Guard up to the end of the war, enlisted as soon as he was old enough (only a few months) and stayed in until around 1949.


Donna17 Report 18 Oct 2011 10:45

After 11 months you must have thought they were never going to come, so I am very pleased for you :-)

Best wishes,


Shipshape Report 17 Oct 2011 16:33

Hi, Everybody just to say I have at last received my Dads War Records
after a wait of 11 months,worth the wait as they do contain a lot of
info, so the sooner you can apply go for it

Cheers Pauline

researching King from Staffs Grimshaw from Lancs and Nolan County Mayo :-) :-)