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Pipers /Burles Brickwall

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EAPN Report 17 Oct 2011 14:23

I have a Martha Burles christened 8th October 1758 Manuden, Essex and James Piper christened 15th March 1756 Manuden, They married on 22 Jan 1782 Manuden, Essex and had the following children James Piper born 7th August 1782 Manuden Essex, Robert Piper christened 26th April 1782 Manuden Essex, Israel Piper christened 13th Feb 1786 Manuden and John Piper christened 8th Nov 1791 Manuden.
Several people at Genes have this version and they do not have the children below.

My cousin though found instead the following children for James Piper and Martha Burles:

William Piper baptised 1795 Woodford Essex
Eliza Piper baptised1798 Woodford Essex
Robert Piper baptised1800 Woodford Essex (my ancestor)
Caroline Piper baptised 1803 Woodford Essex
Charles James Piper baptised 1805 Woodford Essex
Catherine Piper baptised 1807 Woodford Essex
John Piper baptised 1809 Woodford Essex
Maria Piper baptised 1810 Woodford Essex

Several people at Genes have this version, and they do not have the other children.

I have as you can see a problem, my research was done by my cousin and I thought it was correct (she has since died so I have lost this contact) until someone pointed out that Martha Burles Woodford Essex would have been about 52 when she had the last child Maria and this surely cannot be possible?

I ordered copies of the original christening records for my family, William Piper baptised 1795 and Robert Piper baptised 1800 and Maria baptised 1810, there it states James Piper and Mary as parents.

Has anyone any suggestions how to proceed to find out what is correct. Have I missed something? If all these children belong to James and Martha why does no one have them all? And would two of the boys been called Robert and two John? Some of the children could have been christened later than their births but Martha Burles would still have been nearing 50.
I think that perhaps a better candidate is James Piper and a Martha Curruthers in 1792 Holbourne St Andrew to be the parents of my children but it is still a Martha not a Mary


Andysmum Report 17 Oct 2011 16:11

My husband has a similar case, with two candidates for his 4xGreat Grandfather. One born Sept. and the other Feb., so no clue from census ages.

Some of our GR contacts have him born Sept. with parents A and the rest have him born Feb. with parents B. Both lots are sure they have the right set of parents, but, so far, none of them have been able to say WHY they are so sure. All very frustrating!!

Having two, or more, children with the same name was quite common, but my personal feeling is that the two sets above are from different families.

Good luck!