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Not so much a brick wall but concrete castle!

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ChrisofWessex Report 7 Oct 2011 15:31

Until the day he died in 1976 in the Winchester area ROBERT WARREN was not sure of his dob and was never able to trace his birth certificate.

He told his gdau he was raised in an orphanage in Durham (city/county - do not know) and wanted to know if his parents had died or had simply abandoned him and siblings. He was placed from the orphanage with a shoemaker (Robt never had shoes whilst he was with him and had many bad beatings - gdau recalls seeing her gdad's back and the evidence). He at sometime enlisted in the army as a bugler and must have been stationed at Winchester where he met his future wife.

1911 census finds Robt aged 7 b. Cowpen, Northumberland with his father SAMUEL aged 45, Married (no sign of wife or years married) a coal miner hewer b. Belper, Derbyshire, siblings SAMUEL JNR aged 12 b Manchester and HANNAH aged 4 b Manchester living in a lodging house at 33 Rectory Lane, Winlaten (reg. on census as Gateshead).

On his death cert is the date of birth 3 October 1904 but this is probably the date he assumed to be his.

There is no sign of Samuel Snr in any census from 1871 - 1901 nor of his son Samuel Jnr in 1901. I have access to FMP and usual free sites but cannot get a link to any of the four mentioned above.

Can anyone help please or point me in the right direction?

Thank you


Christine Report 7 Oct 2011 15:57

\my mum told me she was in Banardos as a child i contacted them gave them a few details and a fee of i think was £15.they said they would try to find her in their records in took 3 months but they had all her details it cost £90 for them to send all the info but well worth it,it told me about her history the reason she was taken in to banardos all her siblings and half siblings her dob,parents and other relations also addresses of hers and others addresses ,if they dont find him all you pay is the £15 search fee,if you decide to go ahead with the application you have to send a copy of the death cert regards chris


ChrisofWessex Report 7 Oct 2011 16:00

Thanks Chris - I did try to locate orphanages in Co Durham but there appeared to be lots! Will look at it - anything is worth a try. I keep going over and rechecking what I have in case I missed something!!!!!


juma Report 7 Oct 2011 16:00

1901 census at 3 Raglan Street Ancoats Manchester is

Samuel Warren 22 occupation looks like chemical trade
Harriet Warren 21
Samuel Warren 6 months

All show as being born in Manchester


ChrisofWessex Report 7 Oct 2011 16:07

Julie - I had high hopes of that one until saw the details of Samuel snr -

miners usually began on leaving school so this one is not mine.

I now wonder what details are true on 1911 census - no wife - had she run - had he taken children and run! What???????


Christine Report 7 Oct 2011 16:13

hi chris found a Banardos Called Dame Margarets home, wshington co.Durham opened from 1889 till 1946 hope this helps chris


Adeline Report 7 Oct 2011 16:17

Could this be Hannah's birth?

Name: WARREN, Hannah
Registration District: Prestwich
County: Lancashire
Year of Registration: 1907
Quarter of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep
Mother's Maiden Name: Not available before 1911 Q3
Volume No: 8D
Page No: 356


ChrisofWessex Report 7 Oct 2011 16:26

Adeline I have this down in my notes as a possible but that is as far as I can go! I find it strange that he should have a child b Manchester area - then Northumberland, then back to Manchester and then Gateshead.

This is the only bcert that I could advise friend to buy stating that the father had to be Samuel a coal miner! Strange Samuel Sn does not show up in previous census.

Thanks Christine