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Elizabeth Report 4 Oct 2011 09:43

My Mother moved back to Wales and I was born there, so my birth certificate does not help me, Thanks.

Sue (Sylvia Z )

Sue (Sylvia Z ) Report 30 Sep 2011 22:55

Elizabeth, Is there an address on your birth cert of where your mother was living when she registered your birth?
As the others suggested you could ask for a look up on the Electoral Roll, to see if Alexander (or he may been called"Sandy" for short) was definitely in London.
Good luck.


Elizabeth Report 30 Sep 2011 16:21

I think I may do that ,as long asI am discreet, would'nt want to upset anyone, Thanks.


Donna17 Report 30 Sep 2011 16:07

There is one Alexander Lowe from Aberdeen (b.1920) in a tree on here, and plenty more Alexander Lowe's from Scotland in general.
I would start with gentle enquiries to them, to ask if perhaps they could have been in London in 1951, and then see where you are at.

Good luck :)


Elizabeth Report 30 Sep 2011 15:41

Thank for reply, my mother was not married to my father, that is all the info my mother gave , his name is not even on my birth certificate. My mother never received any monies, My mother is no longer with us and any family who may have been able to give me more info has also died. You are right I think I am banging my head against a brick wall, I have been trying for a long time.


Jonesey Report 30 Sep 2011 15:16

Sorry to say it Elizabeth but rather than help it looks like you may need a miracle if that is all the information that you have about the man.

I am assuming that he and your mother never married. If your mother is still alive then the obvious suggestion is to ask her if she knows more. If she is not, are you aware of any of her family or friends who may have some helpful knowledge? If your parents ever lived together then, if you know at which address, you might be lucky enough to find something on an electoral register. Do you know if your mother ever pursued your father for financial assistance (A maintainence order) when raising you?


Elizabeth Report 30 Sep 2011 14:54

Can anyone advise me how I can search for my father, Alexander Lowe, the only info I have is his name and he originated from Aberdeen and he was in the East London area in 1951, I estimate his d.o.b to be in the region of 1925/1935, he may have been in the army at that time, would be grateful for any advice as how to proceed.